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Everything posted by Psyche

  1. Have to say it was a bit of a let down having 2 race series and no knees up but that's the big C-19 for you, nothing the committee could do about it. On your other point about the divisions, the risk is that if it becomes too easy, then it's less of a race and more of a day out on the water which is ok if you're getting into shorthanded racing but if you're experienced or driving a 40 footer you should probably do the longer courses.
  2. Where are you parking it, 10m vs 12m is a jump. For your money a good 930 might be the way to go Scarlett Fever sold for 20 something and it was a good boat.
  3. Psyche

    Fast Company

    Well deserved, he's got so many people into sailing and he makes that boat go really well
  4. Nothing to do with me, I didnt race, just giving my competition a rev up! My approach to SSANZ is always about racing the boats in front that are a few notches better than me. Never had any issues with my racetrack handicap (or PHRF) and often refer to it so see how I am performing against history as club handicaps can seem a bit out of whack at time, probably for all the reasons you mention.
  5. Some pretty brutal handicaps in the Nana division I might have had a chance!
  6. 😂 I think you are describing Westhaven
  7. Varnish discussions are a perennial favourite in wooden boat world, the best varnish is entirely personal and if your circumstances allow you to get your man to do it then it doesnt matter what goes on! Hard finishes last significantly longer but the enemy is water intrusion and if it gets underneath via knock etc then it needs to recoated carefully so it doesnt start lifting and while repairing it you don't sand divots into relatively soft timber. Single pack varnishes like schooner need a lot of coats 5-7 initially and seasonal or bi seasonal refreshes but a scotchbrite makes that rela
  8. Don't get me started! Westhaven fees for small boats (12m and under) as a prime example, as tax and rate payers we cough up for white elephant rugby stadiums etc but its seem that fellow taxpayers are unwilling help with our marina fees
  9. HT what happens is bureaucratic creep, once an agency is created people begin to get all kinds of ideas on how to get more value out of it. Registration, vessel inspections, seaworthiness standards.... As mentioned previously, you need people to police it who in their spare time will be coming aboard to check if your inflatable lifejacket has been serviced or you get a ticket etc. The point here is educate not legislate if we want to retain the freedom that yachting gives us.
  10. To be fair it is the start line for that division
  11. On that note, a fairly frequent topic of conversation is what's going to happen when the leases expire in Westhaven, there are lots of boats that would be worth 2-3 years of fees at most. If people got out during the covid boom good luck to them because that window has pretty much slammed shut, Ive heard a few stories of lovestruck new owners getting the struck feeling without the love when confronted with the reality ($$ and time) that a boat owns you more than you own it
  12. Yep, waiting for the other shoe to drop here
  13. I think there's over 130 sea legs on the Island or some stupid number, how about they use those? I think Waiheke residents should pay the full whack for the privilege and choice of living in an Island paradise, there is very little need to commute daily for a lot of people with the internet being so good. The subsidised ferry service has turned it into very expensive suburb driving out the older locals so in effect the rest of us are funding the gentrification and private benefit for the islanders, bring back the Blue Boats I say and handle 3 hour trip like we all used too and save the high s
  14. They are trying to make it more complicated than what it is, Baltic is part of the EU rules and regs mentality- they sell to plenty of people who buy yachts like they would an appliance and get everything done by professionals because its convenient or they are not practical. Reading the blurb, you can absolutely self service their jackets, it would be market suicide for any manufacturer to stipulate return to base annually, if so then the resellers would need to stipulate it or there would be a giant warning label saying DANGER IF NOT SERVICED EVERY 12 MONTHS THIS DEVICE MAY NOT WORK... yeah
  15. Call me cynical but this is just an angle for people who dont mind paying. They are so basic, check your straps and buckles for wear, blow up the bladder and let it sit overnight, Ive never had an issue on any jacket once I was told they had to be serviced regularly. The co2 mechanism can only be visually inspected and the cartridge weighed, I havent heard of gas loss but maybe it happens- thats it! Not rocket science and IMHO yachties need to be more self reliant, not less. Sure if its a complex device, then you will need professional servicing but not a LJ! The best thing about this servic
  16. Lot to be said for Hutchwilco or Burnsco, I had a Hutchwilco that had been sitting forgotten in a locker for over 10 years without service. This was when the subject came up in a SSANZ discussion a few years ago, threw it in marina and it inflated immediately. I think that the bladders and mechanisms come from only a few suppliers, I really cant see the need for a manufacturers service as they are so simple, its basically blow them up and see if they hold air and weigh the cylinders. A visual once over and youre good to go.
  17. 8 Bells for a legend, there is hardly anyone involved in yachting has hasn't been aboard, owned or sailed a John Lidgard built or designed boat, I was on one last night. Like Brin Wilson, Jim Young, Des Townson, John Spencer and many other builder designers, Johns career started in an era where a lot of yachts were still built of planked timber and caulked with cotton. He was innovative and skilled, sad to see another one of the old boys departing. Those people who own Lidgard boats are pretty fortunate, unlikely to ever be another era of classic wooden masterpieces so hopefully they will get
  18. Disposing of boats at the end of life is quite a problem, it's pretty toxic to the environment i.e expensive. What can you recover? Some lead, assorted scrap metal and a bunch of worn out gear? There may be some money to be made but I'll take a guess that taxpayers will bear the bulk of the cost. Boats are big objects and unlike cars they dont have an easy disposal route. Most people including me don't have a plan other than to sell and let it become someone else's dream/problem. Most of the boats on the list are probably not even saleable. Some could be worth rescuing, but why would you?
  19. Seems to be a pretty common way to get rid of a boat, park it leave the keys in the ignition and walk away.
  20. I'll take a guess that most of the boats only use PHRF for SSANZ, none of the clubs use it for harbour racing.
  21. Is there an amendment to the SI's?
  22. Anyone know when the SI's are going to be up?
  23. If you're going to do it, don't wait!
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