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5 weeks at sea +14 days Auckland Quarantine

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33 minutes ago, NorthlandYS said:

upon arrival we were given 14 days quarantine despite all proof to the countary that we didn’t have any contact at or after Minerva. That’s the issue here for us.

I draw your attention ot the word "verification" in the document I linked.

"Activate your AIS transponder (or other observable satellite tracking system) prior to departure.  Keep it on for the duration of the journey so your movements can be verified. Any deviation in your journey plan will make verification that you have met your isolation requirement more difficult and may require you to complete the 14-days isolation period in a managed isolation facility when you arrive in New Zealand."

My emphasis.

33 minutes ago, NorthlandYS said:

that by the way don’t return phone calls or emails. Great governance!

You mistake operational implimentation for governance.  This could explain why you missed the significance of the word "verification" but I can't verify that.

Ironic eh.

I think you'll find call screening of vexatious communications may explain it as well.  Again, unverified.

BTW, death toll in the US is still in the 2.5 to 3k a day range.  Florida alone +79 yesterday and a rate of just over 1,000 deaths per 1m population.  Here, 5 per 1m.

I wouldn't be whinging about overkill if I were you.

Only a few days to go.  Enjoy Christmas.

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Less than 12 days you spend BALANCE of 14 in hotel not a full 14. No other “yacht” has spent 14 days but on us. Of course the officials “don’t have that information in front of them” hard to see with their heads that far stuffed up their bums no doubt.


Anyway, here’s hoping for no summer lockdowns!

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47 minutes ago, NorthlandYS said:

Less than 12 days you spend BALANCE of 14 in hotel not a full 14. No other “yacht” has spent 14 days but on us. Of course the officials “don’t have that information in front of them” hard to see with their heads that far stuffed up their bums no doubt.

Looks like you pissed the man off, and now he's making you sweat. Too much back chat me thinks. Too much attitude.

You should've gone to Fiji...

Edit, how come you were whining about being sent to MIQ on the day of your arrival then? You were upset you couldn't isolate on your boat for the first night. Or are you just changing your story as you go along now?

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1 hour ago, NorthlandYS said:

Less than 12 days you spend BALANCE of 14 in hotel not a full 14. No other “yacht” has spent 14 days but on us. Of course the officials “don’t have that information in front of them” hard to see with their heads that far stuffed up their bums no doubt.

A quite large disclaimer exists on that customs web page, The information is a general guide only.  The legislation is what matters.

The COVID-19 Public Health Response (Isolation and Quarantine) Order 2020 section 10.1 - states that you must spend 14 days after your start time. So the question now becomes when was your start time?

Because you arrived by sea, your start time in quarantine is defined in Section 23 of the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Maritime Border) Order (No 2)

Section 19(3) is the one that defines the start time in your case.

TLDR; if a health protection officer is not satisfied with the evidence that you have provided to offset your time required in a quarantine facility then your start time is zero.

I suspect it's likely that because you had to deviate for weather and repairs and because you didn't have AIS, that they're not prepared to take your word for it.

There is another possibility and that is if you came into contact with any other people also on the way to MIQ.  This would also reset your start time to zero.  This is common when busses are used to transport people. 

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48 minutes ago, harrytom said:

So what is the difference of a cruiser being at sea for 14 days and the arrival of HMNZS TE KAHA from Canada?? being at sea 15 days counts as isolation.Hmm bit one eyed.

If a cruiser or a merchant ship spends 14days at sea Covid symptom free and has the appropriate evidence to support that claim then no further isolation is required.

 But a warship is just so different on so many levels... 

They have been in state of lockdown since June. They exceeded the 14 day requirement which is set for merchant ships and small craft. They can actually prove it and will be believed. A sovereign ship is legally sovereign territory - these folks have legally been in New Zealand since they boarded, the Covid orders wouldn't even apply to them. 

And many many more... 

A NZ warship, with a hospital on board, is a far cry from a cruiser, let alone a merchant ship. 

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1 hour ago, CarpeDiem said:

A NZ warship, with a hospital on board, is a far cry from a cruiser, let alone a merchant ship. 

Especially a cruiser that has no idea what the rules were he was supposed to comply with in the first place, but bitches non-stop about them anyway. And couldn't verify a case of herpes.

A NZ Warship, I'm fairly sure, carriers its own doctor, and at the least well trained medical professionals, and can verify every aspect of their whereabouts.

But Harrytom, the main problem with this cruiser was his entitled attitude, and expectation that the rules would get waived for him. And, it looks like you missed the WHOLE point. Whiney cruiser wasn't at sea for 5 weeks. He was at sea for 7 days. He did a sneaky into Tonga. But still want's a special favour, and blames the customs guys for not giving it to him.

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6 minutes ago, Fish said:

Especially a cruiser that has no idea what the rules were he was supposed to comply with in the first place, but bitches non-stop about them anyway. And couldn't verify a case of herpes.

A NZ Warship, I'm fairly sure, carriers its own doctor, and at the least well trained medical professionals, and can verify every aspect of their whereabouts.

But Harrytom, the main problem with this cruiser was his entitled attitude, and expectation that the rules would get waived for him. And, it looks like you missed the WHOLE point. Whiney cruiser wasn't at sea for 5 weeks. He was at sea for 7 days. He did a sneaky into Tonga. But still want's a special favour, and blames the customs guys for not giving it to him.

Thanks for clearing that up.

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19 hours ago, NZL1 said:

Here's the facts ..


The border is not secure, thus why we have motels full of people being tested.

A secure border would insure testing before arrival!!!

We have daily new cases sitting in hotels.. one slipup an boom!...

The Government cannot be trusted and has broken the rules, changed the rules, and generally buggered people around..

The vast majority of kiwis have brought the spin and lies because.... hey!... "Getting paid to have another holiday is great "

How many infected people have died from Covid in the last 6 months?....  None

How many under 50s since March...none.

Open up and isolate the vulnerable!

Making people with no recent history of contact with humans isolate is just overbearing.

Letting the US ambassador skip the system and isolate at home is a obvious " 2 systems in play" load of bullcrap.

Making ex Kiwis, who contribute nothing to NZ, get free 14day holiday is just plain dumb... They made their choice to leave NZ and live overseas and should not be allowed back because of their bad choices...  Suck it up !


The government and the health system made and will continue to make stuff ups at the border... And the cost is huge.. which your kids will pay for.

Over zealous rulings on one or two boats is dumb and costly.

They should be smart and charge for isolation and accept nobody who has not tested and isolated prior to arrival... . And... Any breaches should cop  100k fine.

This government is just to liberal, reactionary and just to SOFT and SLOW... But hard in the wrong areas...


If a boat load of gay, dope smoking refugess landed in Snell's beach Jacinda would be there with open arms arms and that " look of sorrow"

Wait to this time next year and check the economy, you house value, and the unemployment numbers...

The virus will be sorted but the debt will linger for years ..and cost more life's 

It has only just begun...

bet you are a load of fun at a party..

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21 hours ago, NZL1 said:

Here's the facts ..


A promising start.


21 hours ago, NZL1 said:

The border is not secure, thus why we have motels full of people being tested.

A secure border would insure testing before arrival!!!

We have daily new cases sitting in hotels.. one slipup an boom!...

The border is not 100% secure to Covid in the same way that our border is not 100% secure to anything.  This is why the testing takes place at entry and in MIQ.

Testing prior to entry would require a secure post-test accommodation.  Testing at early infection is nowhere near 100% reliable, so the reality is you would need 2 tests, about three days apart prior to boarding to be around 95% certain (but not 100%) that the traveller was not positive.

Good luck managing that in ports outside your own country.

Of course, if MIQ was the one and only method in place for reducing Covid, a "slip up" at MIQ would be a serious failure.  Fortunately, its not hte only method.  Test and trace systems are designed to quickly catch and then isolate any case in the community.

Evidence from throughout 2020 is that our t&t system is working effectively as a part of our total containment and eradication process.

21 hours ago, NZL1 said:

The Government cannot be trusted and has broken the rules, changed the rules, and generally buggered people around..

The vast majority of kiwis have brought the spin and lies because.... hey!... "Getting paid to have another holiday is great "

A mix of supposition and hyperbole here, along with a misunderstanding of how our government works. 

Yes, rules have changed - its called adapting to changed circumstance.  When more facts come along, we can change approach to meet the new knowledge.  This is not generally done by government alone - they get advice from relevant experts.  Typically not from the man on the street.

The vast majority have bought into it because it demonstrably works.  Compare and contrast if you like with Sweden, UK, USA, Canada, the wider EU, any central or South America country....

Sure, some contrarians are unhappy, but they are generally those who are miserable about anything so they should not be overweighted in any assessment of impact or acceptance.

You touch on economic impact - you might want to compare that using the same list of countries above.

21 hours ago, NZL1 said:

How many infected people have died from Covid in the last 6 months?....  None

How many under 50s since March...none.

Open up and isolate the vulnerable!

Making people with no recent history of contact with humans isolate is just overbearing.

Your first 2 sentences show how effectively the Covid managment system is working.  Well done.

Isolating the vulnerable has been found to be a practical impossiblity.  You would need to somehow isolate almost 1/3 of our population.  The economic and social impact would likely be the same or larger than the current settings.  And less effective from a health perspective - again, reference the UK.

21 hours ago, NZL1 said:

Making ex Kiwis, who contribute nothing to NZ, get free 14day holiday is just plain dumb... They made their choice to leave NZ and live overseas and should not be allowed back because of their bad choices...  Suck it up !

You seem to not understand the concept of citizenship.  You may want to look into it.


21 hours ago, NZL1 said:

Over zealous rulings on one or two boats is dumb and costly.

They should be smart and charge for isolation and accept nobody who has not tested and isolated prior to arrival... . And... Any breaches should cop  100k fine.

This government is just to liberal, reactionary and just to SOFT and SLOW... But hard in the wrong areas...

OK, so now we reach to point where a poorly considered series of possibly alcohol-fueled rambling statements become self-contradictory.  Rulings that follow the published policy and process may be annoying for individuals, but they are consistent - a consistency you railed against earlier.

You cannot charge citizens to return to thier own country.  When you have finished your reading up on citizenship I suggested above, you may understand why.

This liberal slow soft reactionary goverment is in charge of a country that has nearly the lowest infection and death rate in the world and near the best economic outcomes post-covid.  So, sadly for you, the facts indicate that the goveernment's approach is near top of hte class on an outcomes basis.

22 hours ago, NZL1 said:

If a boat load of gay, dope smoking refugess landed in Snell's beach Jacinda would be there with open arms arms and that " look of sorrow"

Wait to this time next year and check the economy, you house value, and the unemployment numbers...

The virus will be sorted but the debt will linger for years ..and cost more life's 

...and here it is.  This is the bit you were really wanting to write and you finally got there.  Not a fact in sight.  An Enoch Powell-esque rascist fever dream of advantaged darkies and pooftahs and a government intent on turning everyone into a gay, black, whale.

 I suggest you go sailing and leave goverance and health advice to the grown ups.

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1 hour ago, aardvarkash10 said:


 I suggest you go sailing and leave goverance and health advice to the grown ups.

Wow, top marks for actually reading that drivel and then taking the time to respond calmly and reasonably.  I thought that this topic had been debated fully in the past but obviously NZL1 has been here 5 minutes and wants to have their say.

It beggars belief that someone could still maintain that position, after the last 9 months of experience.  Haters gotta hate.

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5 hours ago, NZL1 said:

Realism is not negative nor hate speech....   Which woke kids like you will realize when your up to to your neck in debt/losses/ unemployment... And Cindy's long left the mayhem for a cosy number at the UN.

Polishing a turd and calling it a diamond might be the thing in your delusional world but over here in reality land I'm prepped for a lucrative life profiting off the kids that overcommitted their "softly earned dosh" on dumb stuff like buying house's in a " over the top" hot market with a reset coming.


You kids have a lot to learn. NZ is fast becoming expensive and unaffordable thanks to Labour...


Take the 8 months paid leave PA kids get when they have a child....  Private industry are not going to employ under 35 yo's coz they have to give them 6months maternity leave + 4 week annual leave, plus 20 days sick leave....   That's 8 months of the year unproductive ...   And if they have 6 kids.     Well F,#@k me ... Well why would you employ someone on that basis. 

The net result is ...NZ will have tens of thousands more kids to find homes for by 2040 and no land to build houses for them...   Then there's immigrants and our " ever increasing" quoter of refugees to house ....  What a pending disaster that will be thanks to Ardvarks and his " team of Woke virtual signalling left wing cronies/comrades.


. . And all that will come a big cost to prices and unemployment...


Yip... It's labour cluster and it will F@#k this country    

And turkeys like you voted for thanks giving.


By the way...  My comment about gays landing on Snell's beach to Cindy's welcoming arms was a reflection of labours double standards and not about gays...

More opinion presented as fact.

Followed by a quick "some of my mates are darkies" retraction.

Thanks for clarifying where you are coming from.

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6 hours ago, NZL1 said:

Realism is not negative nor hate speech....   Which woke kids like you will realize when your up to to your neck in debt/losses/ unemployment... And Cindy's long left the mayhem for a cosy number at the UN.

Polishing a turd and calling it a diamond might be the thing in your delusional world but over here in reality land I'm prepped for a lucrative life profiting off the kids that overcommitted their "softly earned dosh" on dumb stuff like buying house's in a " over the top" hot market with a reset coming.


You kids have a lot to learn. NZ is fast becoming expensive and unaffordable thanks to Labour...


Take the 8 months paid leave PA kids get when they have a child....  Private industry are not going to employ under 35 yo's coz they have to give them 6months maternity leave + 4 week annual leave, plus 20 days sick leave....   That's 8 months of the year unproductive ...   And if they have 6 kids.     Well F,#@k me ... Well why would you employ someone on that basis. 

The net result is ...NZ will have tens of thousands more kids to find homes for by 2040 and no land to build houses for them...   Then there's immigrants and our " ever increasing" quoter of refugees to house ....  What a pending disaster that will be thanks to Ardvarks and his " team of Woke virtual signalling left wing cronies/comrades.


. . And all that will come a big cost to prices and unemployment...


Yip... It's labour cluster and it will F@#k this country    

And turkeys like you voted for thanks giving.


By the way...  My comment about gays landing on Snell's beach to Cindy's welcoming arms was a reflection of labours double standards and not about gays...

f*ck off to political talk please. Its down the bottom in Smalltalk

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On 26/12/2020 at 1:52 PM, NZL1 said:

Realism is not negative nor hate speech....   Which woke kids like you will realize when your up to to your neck in debt/losses/ unemployment... And Cindy's long left the mayhem for a cosy number at the UN.

Polishing a turd and calling it a diamond might be the thing in your delusional world but over here in reality land I'm prepped for a lucrative life profiting off the kids that overcommitted their "softly earned dosh" on dumb stuff like buying house's in a " over the top" hot market with a reset coming.


You kids have a lot to learn. NZ is fast becoming expensive and unaffordable thanks to Labour...


Take the 8 months paid leave PA kids get when they have a child....  Private industry are not going to employ under 35 yo's coz they have to give them 6months maternity leave + 4 week annual leave, plus 20 days sick leave....   That's 8 months of the year unproductive ...   And if they have 6 kids.     Well F,#@k me ... Well why would you employ someone on that basis. 

The net result is ...NZ will have tens of thousands more kids to find homes for by 2040 and no land to build houses for them...   Then there's immigrants and our " ever increasing" quoter of refugees to house ....  What a pending disaster that will be thanks to Ardvarks and his " team of Woke virtual signalling left wing cronies/comrades.


. . And all that will come a big cost to prices and unemployment...


Yip... It's labour cluster and it will F@#k this country    

And turkeys like you voted for thanks giving.


By the way...  My comment about gays landing on Snell's beach to Cindy's welcoming arms was a reflection of labours double standards and not about gays...

Wow! Just wow........

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