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El Toro

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Everything posted by El Toro

  1. The general negativity in the media is disappointing, but not unexpected. Covid buggered it up right royally. Agree or not, this pack of fear mongering clowns in power not letting in world media, youth competitors and super yachts really cost the city. That been said, with no covid al of these would have happened and the numbers would tell a very different story 18 youth teams were entered for the Youth Americas cup...which would have given the squaddie a decent bucket of cash to spent elsewhere, instead YD had to suck the kumara on the 1 boat they built. Each team would have ha
  2. Talk to Manson Marine, they make pretty good ones
  3. I have seen extended footage of this and from multiple angles and the protesters attacked the guard's with extreme force before that. It was clear they weren't prepared to be attacked in the way they were. At first the guards are talking to them, then they push a couple back as they try and get up, only for to be blindsided by another bunch who really got stuck in to them, one of them is the one who got kicked in the face. One of the guards is repeatedly kicked in the head and face whilst on the ground before being kicked into the water visibly dazed. It appalling viewing. He is lite
  4. You are on the money there... the more you give, the more is taken
  5. Had the kite up... was ddw doing about 6knots from Owhiti to Katherine Bay.... and had music that you wouldn't appreciate..!
  6. Am down there somewhere, actually sailing
  7. I had a 5hp Honda... never again. Yammy all the way
  8. Took kids up North Head over weekend... the maunga authority has chained up the last remaining tunnel bits and the large guns were fenced off... kids were gutted
  9. Awesome thanks team
  10. Ive someone managed to break my freezer knob. Any idea where I can pickup one of these?
  11. Yep that is def part of it, but Ive also noticed a change in wind patterns. Between roughly 2005-20012 Id take Pork Chop up to Kawau every single weekend with a 15 knot south wester at 1700 on a Friday and 10 knots close hauled on way home at midday... now I notice its 5-7 knots and from the east. I now go to Kawau once a year Yep my boat is a heavy slow tub, but I dont even look at it if its not 10-15 now from any direction... but I find I simply dont find those winds anymore. I have a young family, and getting there so they can swim is important, or they start getting turned o
  12. I had 5 weeks at Xmas and practically every weekend since then till now on my yacht.... Ive had the sails up 3 times and of that was twice motor sailing.... Mentally. Ive checked out of yacht cruising
  13. Someone on the clock but wanting to get up there...took 4 weeks up and down plus a week in the Bay for Bay week
  14. Someone who never, ever, again wants to motor to North Cape, and then back again at 6knots...!
  15. Droves? I counted only 4 racing a few Sundays ago
  16. OK thanks for that. That one in Woody is a complete ball ache. Ive seen people tie to it claiming to be the owner, on 2 very different boats, and Ive seen words exchanged between boats in regards to it.... how are supposed to know who owns it...? I think they should remove it, it chews up a large amount of space in a very small bay which is popular in ever increasing wind condition
  17. Knot Me, the new moorings at Rakino are news to me... where can we submit? Im assuming you are talking about Woody Bay where there already is one of the buggers already
  18. I am to lazy to do my own donkey work.. but are you saying that you now must wear a life jacket to comply with cat3?
  19. El Toro

    Boat Names

    Saw at boat yesterday fueling at Orakei Blow Me Two Had 4 guys on board
  20. Lots of short tack beating to kick that one off.... bet they had never been so glad to turn the corner at North Head
  21. El Toro

    Boat rage

    Here is Fullers going between me and Bean Rock about 25-30m away... I was not very impressed..took these to complain but have lost the will now
  22. You can get a tender reasonably close to Kaeo on a full tide
  23. They all arrived in Vivian Bay, had a beer then shot off. Dean beat Moose and Brad Marsh to the beach With 2 of the 3 people I saw racing in to the bay, an arms races is inevitable, they just cant help themselves those boys
  24. BK, I just motored to North Cape, and then back again, at 7 knots. And then just to kick myself in the nuts again I motored up to Kawau for the weekend, and then back again For $693000 I have a the solution to all your problems.....
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