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Ex Machina

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Everything posted by Ex Machina

  1. Ex Machina

    Birdsall Plans

    There was one in Opua with a ginormous sugar scoop , dunno if it was stainless though
  2. That’s excellent to hear gappy . I will retract my comment
  3. Did the same someone buy a Ross 930 recently ? Would be interesting to see an open chequebook campaign unfold with one of those . You bought deep purple and I’m staying home now ! We don’t like coming 2nd all the time , dunno why we bother
  4. There’s only a few enormous cats out there with code 0 and one of them is sailed by drunken nipples that do inconsiderate sh*t sometimes
  5. A boat at our club just got a bulb done at skellerns . $5.50 per kg if you supply lead or $10.50 kg if they supply lead
  6. This may turn up in mangawhai in a few months with a reactor 25 keel
  7. Yep they work wicked in workups ....park upwind within casting distance , chuck it amongst the work up and let it sink . 9 times out of 10 it will get hit on the drop by snapper about 10 metres or more below the work up ....same technique works well with the sliders pictured up thread
  8. Yeah na bloody ! what would a pilot know about bronzies and hammers
  9. Looks good on the outside but 5 days of water in the engine room would’ve rooted it ...good do up for a marine engineer maybe
  10. I always hold one hand up , five fingers well spread when they come too close .....always get a wave a back ....then a look of befuddlement when I leave my motionless hand up as they go past at speed . I reckon I might make a set large of flash cards with sarcastic one liners on them , would be handy in the car too .
  11. 4. automatic sprinkler system above the home built battery bank ...that was tongue in cheek . Wonder if any fires lately have been electrical ?
  12. Happy about the Cat3 changes to bilge pumps with portable being allowed . also the water tank and toilet bucket ...have room for a toilet bucket but it would be folly to try and use it .
  13. http://www.sparloft.co.nz/sparloft-mast-sections.html Contact this chap , if you are handy you can swap all the hardware over to a blank section and save quite a few wongas over getting a complete rig made .
  14. Ex Machina

    Boat Names

    Wonder why that person is covering their face ?
  15. Noise control is on standby too
  16. Pepe and carpe diem are having a right old drag race to the finish
  17. Can’t quite see your bro yet but should be able to in half hour or so
  18. Little bit of info on akarana Facebook but from the start yesterday
  19. https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/race/rayc?fbclid=IwAR3h2Ghwnznlze_aF6M0nYNuZArVFED-W_PXnBpnvjCBLdT9gZOOYSHt5U0
  20. https://rayc.co.nz/akarana350/
  21. Good powers of observation Adrian . Yeah it’s high n fibres green monster . We tried it on Friday evening in about 5-6 knots and we were matching the wind speed . But yeah the groove narrows as the wind picks up and the trimmer nearly got his arms ripped off , we found that the luff would collapse dramatically when we caught up with AW and would have to do a big bear away to fill it again .
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