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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/08/22 in Posts

  1. Dalton said we couldn't have a successful defense here. Guess what Grant, we've already lost.
    2 points
  2. Obviously Ilex doesn't get hauled at the landing - with reference to one of the Board members who voted to close.
    2 points
  3. We are open to feedback as I said above, but don’t necessarily expect everything to be changed to suit the loudest voice. The main metric on success for us is entry numbers and comparison of these against the Coastal and previously the Akl Regatta SSANZ is run by enthusiastic volunteers on a not for profit basis, there’s no way to please all the people all the time, if you think you can do better please come and help, it will open your eyes to how much is done by so few, all for nothing other than providing good yachting.
    2 points
  4. The flash buildings on the waterfront were, in the main, erected on a shoestring with volunteer labour, donations and support from the then land owners (eg Auckland Harbour Board). Ground rental was cheap and Clubs could focus on their reason for being. Subsequent land owners, zoning changes and changes in philosophy have forced Clubs to look for revenue to pay the commercial rate leases now charged. No club really wishes to concentrate on running a business with venue hires and outside rentals- they are forced to do so to stay alive. And some are dropping by the wayside or are clos
    1 point
  5. TBH, a lot of clubs seem to be a bit lost. Cant decide if they are function centres, RSA's, adult daycares, flag and trumpet societies, oh and if they should do a bit of yacht racing
    1 point
  6. I got told off a few years ago for saying this but its just a boat race. Really - who cares or gives a flying f. Fays departure from the squaddie is just another display of someone who thinks there opinion matters - and on the realisation that it doesn't, having a tanty. So far as I can see the AC has always been this way. Good riddance.
    1 point
  7. not quite the same, they expect you to get a WOF, but then make so that there is only allowed to be 1 garage per 500km of road, bad luck if you live in AK and all WoFs will now be done in Tauranga. That would be a more reasonable comparison on the basis that from Westhaven it would be 2hrs to the closest haulout yard other than floating dock soon? Given Pine Harbour have reduced there hardstand space (and increased the prices accordingly)in recent years and there seems to be a lot less space at HMB now with the extensions where are people planning on doing the maintenance? yes you can g
    1 point
  8. SSANZ do great work. Every two handed year is different and there has been the odd occasion where an initiative hasn't been done quite right on reflection. But don't stop innovating. That is why we keep coming back.
    1 point
  9. It's going to happen everywhere in NZ. I'm surprised that Yachting NZ and the Marine Industry Association are not getting involved. Both take fees but seem to do very little for the average punter.
    1 point
  10. I'm required to maintain my car with a Warrant of Fitness to ensure its "safe" and "roadworthy". I could do it myself if the council provided suitable workshop facilities, but there is literally nowhere for me to do this! Its appalling. I'll probably have to sell the car.
    1 point
  11. Yes. So long as Bean Rock is left to port after Motukorea it doesn't make any difference how far to port it is left. Think of the coastal classic course - "little barrier to stb, poor knights to stb". It does not matter how far to stb these are left. We, (generally), go no where near Little Barrier. In the past there have been some tricky courses from clubs, one I remember very clearly, over 20yrs ago, was reso(p), chelsea(s), stanley(p), finish(odm). Of course there was no reason at all to go anywhere near Stanley... Stb rounding of the ODM left Stanley to port... bo
    1 point
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