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Everything posted by chariot

  1. Have you thought about a Lotus 9.2. Just as much volume and a little more performance.
  2. Yes it sure is easy with small kids like his. When he was little him and his sister were dragged all over the northland coast and Barrier in a Raven 26.
  3. Boat name is Mystras. I'll whisper this, it's a small Riv. Just had a call from him. Says the N/west breeze saved him as he is just about directly opposite.
  4. Looks like D pier. Our son has his boat on E pier about the same distance out. Haven't heard from him so must be all right. Think he was in Rockie bay a couple of weeks ago with you Young Entertainer.
  5. S the Best was a good fast cruiser years ago when I used to crew on it. That was when Garry Best owned it and no he didn't change the name, but it was one of the reasons he bought it.
  6. Had a similar thing years ago on a 25hp Isuzu instillation on our Cav 32. Was voltage drop from the battery. Previous owner said it had always done it. Change to heavier cable and never happened again.
  7. +1. Never had a problem in Whiti marina. Maybe the dog owners know they are being watched by the apartment residents.
  8. Had a similar thing on my Cav 32 and the pinch bolt had sheared. Had to drill it out and replace. Couldn't figure out why I had so much play all of a sudden. Was an easy fix.
  9. We saw one just south of Kawau a few years ago.
  10. Cheap boats don't usually end up being cheap boats. Agree, buy the best you can afford.
  11. I'm sick of all the dog owners taking dogs onto Great Mercury Island when it is well sign posted that dogs are not permitted. Went ashore on Sunday, only about five boats there and it was like a bloody dog pound, even had a boxer try and get into our dingy before we got out. I notice they don't have the balls to take their dogs ashore at Parapara bay or White Beach in full view of the Island staff. Would hate trespass signs go up on all the beaches just because of all dog owners thinking they are special. A little respect for the island owners request would not go amiss.
  12. Very hard to get a good Chico, Cav32 or Lotus 9.2 for $20k
  13. Have done this race several times and always an awesome weekend. Sunday morning return race can be a bit tough sometimes. Going back a few years all boats were given a bottle of rum and a bottle of Coke, both with no tops on at the Saturday night results party.
  14. Those 2 designs are chalk and cheese.
  15. Surge into Whitianga last night has moved some of the fairway bouys into the harbour and some out of the harbour. All channel bouys to the marina are gone. They are now up harbour amongst the moored boats. Probably wrapped around the moorings. What a mess. Big swell at the moment and tide very high considering that it is nearly low water. Will give the harbour master something to do.
  16. Was in Samoa in 1990 when cyclone Val hit. Radio warnings were for phenomenal seas and try to preserve human life. Sort of puts a different perspective on things. Was glad to get home. Went away on the boat for a week or so when I got back. Had 25/35 kn on the way home. Had to tell the wife it was only a gentle breeze. That didn't go down too well.
  17. Have never gone north without stopping at Whangaruru.
  18. Great Mercury is privately owned so should be up to the owners to dictate conditions. Dickheads end up ruining it for everyone.
  19. 5m for Mercury Bay on Sunday according to Met Service.
  20. Metvuw shows it making direct hit on the North Island East coast.
  21. Looks like we may get a bit of a blow this weekend. 3 to 4 m swell predicted for Mercury Bay. Just as well I got plenty of fish on Monday.
  22. Just use plastic folders as IT does but store in purpose built chart storage rack.
  23. Had the same thing a week or so ago at Great Merc. Turkey turns up in big new gin palace, slides tender out of stern locker , puts dog in dinghy and takes it ashore for a stroll and crap. This is at a crowded Peachgrove bay. Was going to give him a Billy Graham but he must have seen the way I was eyeballing him and gave me a wide berth on the way back out. Not long after he picked up the pick and left. A....hole.
  24. No need for the cleats. Use the top of the winch drum, that's what it's designed for.
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