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El Toro

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Everything posted by El Toro

  1. Squealer is ex The Butcher and is a 10.5, not a 1050 Bottle of rum to whoever eventually buys her and changes the name back...
  2. This is hardly new, both parties have known for years this was coming up and the rescue guys cant fit their two new choppers in the shed anyway. Beating up on Poal is riduclous
  3. Davis, they are dogshit to handle with one engne, so I discovered when I blew one whilst Bad Kitty sucked on a beer in Nagels a few years ago
  4. Adrian, are the 30's? I have a mountain of spares I was about to sell on trademe including injectors. Found them hidden away on board, since i dont plan on island cruising Ive no need for them Happy for you to come and have a look if you like.
  5. El Toro


    We have lost loose vehicles off the back of her before, twice from memory...right through the rail
  6. Awesome photos I can see myself in 3 different bays, on 3 different days. And the first time in living memory Ive gone an entire weekend not rafted up to one other boat
  7. El Toro

    IRC Measuring

    Ahh ok, thanks Mark, good to know. Will converse with the skipper
  8. El Toro

    IRC Measuring

    Thanks Mark, Ill chase with Suellen. We have one, but we have taken out some weight so prob need to reweigh? Apprec it
  9. El Toro

    IRC Measuring

    Hi does anyone know if there is an IRC measurement day/weigh/lift coming up in Auckland in lieu of Noumea race approaching? Cheers
  10. I watched Trubi the other day go out and win a rum race single handed, against at least a dozen boats, including a couple of sharp ones. Go that man!
  11. I know a different type of boat, but one from the 80s still, but Pork Chop used to scare the sh*t out of me in anything over 18 knots with a kite...and even resulted in a new shiny mast one coastal next to Rangi Light. I jumped on Positive Touch one race and was on mast/piano, at once stage I was hugging the mast for dear life, to which the crew laughed and asked me what the f I was doing. I fully thought we were going in to the death roll that I was used to. I think it may have scarred me for life now I think about it. New keel helped, moved it back a whopping .74m but did not fix alt
  12. Remarkable coincidence....which reminds me, we are probably due for a beer...
  13. It wasnt dangerous I guess, as it was flat calm and all in slow motion and all 3 of us were on station...but there was no need for it... and it was close
  14. Id have to say that the Lady Margaret didnt endear herself to me or the Benny she went between going though Tiri Passage on Friday afternoon. I wish I had though to take this photo 90 seconds earlier.... there was just no need for it, plenty of room all around us and we were only doing 7 knots. Sorry not sure why that photo is 90 degrees
  15. Anarchy I guess with be there, as well Clockwork
  16. You're starting to piss me off now BK! Feeding cats crayfish and now this.....
  17. Can't believe this boat got off without sinking What the F was that boat made of Krypton?!
  18. Im taking issue with your 'cutting the corner' bit...and he lost part of his leg, not head....facts seem to be getting lost for effect...and what I read most in what you say saying for effect is.... bash the port. Lets wait for the report
  19. Fish I am happy to be proven wrong but from what I understand the Pilot boat can go where he pleases, he doesnt have to stay in the shipping channel and therefore your comment of it 'cutting the corner' is a load of complete of bollocks. If he is allowed to take a shorter route, the same as anyone else, why wouldnt he? But like I said, happy to be proved wrong Lets wait for the report, whenever that may be
  20. El Toro

    Kite Bag

    saw ti but wasnt in a position to grab sorry
  21. Thats a really sh*t read....really sorry to hear that
  22. El Toro

    Mystery Boat

    Its been there for years. I saw it actually sailing towards Waiheke on the first race of the Commodores Cup. Often wonder the same thing
  23. Addem, Id suggest looking to recalc the speedo and would also suggest you probably went a bit faster than that. One of my crew during a coastal several years ago hit over 17 knots and then decided it was logging to fast, so reduced the calibration off Sail Rock, which meant even though we went faster a bit later on, nobody broke his record...and we never got around to recalibrating. That does sound like good times!
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