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Oldlog last won the day on August 9 2021

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  1. Chatfields in Glenfield they will have everything you need. bronze etc etc
  2. No matter what you trying to achieve you have to remove those lag bolts….they will be threaded into a bronze block within the keel Timbers. mine broke too….. get a set of “easy outs” from Bunnings and put a soldering iron on the bold for quite a while and they will come out
  3. Go to chatfields in Glenfield 100% it was supplied by them back in the 70’s. I had the same issue on my townson and they had bolts etc off the shelf to sort it all. Could explain exactly how it was fitted etc etc. also looked into fitting drip less box. Henley will do a threaded adaptor that fits the existing box and it should fit the keel floor spacing. Really easy. I put modern Teflon infused stuffing in and it is cold and basically dry so haven’t bothered going on with it. replaced the bearing with “Thorlon”. Carefully cut the old one and pull him out. Take the inner d
  4. Chatfields is a great place - my Townson was launched in 1976 and I seems almost all the deck fittings etc were from there - been going there for a while now and they still produce most of the fittings that they did back in the 70’s - clears bollards etc are exactly the same! super helpful guys too…..even had the lug bolts for my stern gland that I thought was a one off piece. Turns out they made them and still produce them.
  5. Hey Nigel I’ll second on Darren K. He is great to deal with…went through similar pain recently but mine was a few leaks that needed chasing down. Pain in the ass in the end though a commercial fridge guy who was a boat owner too helped me sort it. we put a industrial cool room temp control on the system. Probe in the fridge side set point to above freezing. So now it gets switched on and forget it. Has a manual override so you can really blast it down if you need. In the past I have destroyed a compressor by forgetting to shut it off and running at hi revs for ages if not alread
  6. I have seen a frustrated PRO call a individual recall when 80odd boats were well over but a couple were way behind i think they only have to be able to identify who is over to call it…..so if you sure that only 3 weren’t over then the remaining boats are individually recalled a lot of grumpy kids that day hahahahhaa
  7. I bet they are!! looks like a fun race - bummer life got in my way!!
  8. The boys on Shimmer must be stoked!! Certainly NOT Townson cruiser conditions especially the last section. Only 8minutes behind the nearest Y11 on line - 1st on corrected. - Probably did it all with a roast chicken and hot scones from the galley. Well Done guys great result!! Hmmm will this kill their Hcap and give us a chance in the SANZ?
  9. Yea I know a few have done miles but from my understanding you'd want to find one that was built for it - Daydream is build pretty grunty - triple skin/Glassed, big keel floors and 100mm cntr stringers three windows etc so im pretty comfortable just what would be involved in inspections etc. I read that book! - that was the seed for my mate and I - a figure eight and invite friends etc for legs...… the book is awesome,, from memory they hanked on a storm jib at the top of the north island and it didn't come off - 60knt on the nose out of dusky sound etc - well worth the read it was an ad
  10. Sure will be @ SANZ ! Need to find some more down wind sails to blow out though! Ill keep an eye out for ya - randomly ran into the original owners daughter over summer and learnt that the boat was originally built by her dad and the boat builder with offshore plans - they were nutters back then - so my dream of the figure eight is back on the table
  11. Don’t go getting ideas shimmer……you got enough on thread drifting….. Hey spotted you out a barrier over Xmas and was going to pop buy but by the time I got sorted you’d slipped away. Next time 👍 pretty keen to catch up on picking your thoughts on Cat1/2 safety - wanting to work towards doing a figure eight circle of NZ including Stewart island in the next few years.
  12. Let me know Josh and I’ll grab it for ya. BP if he doesn’t want it it’s yours - merry Xmas
  13. I have a gyro on Daydream from the previous autopilot if you want to try that josh let me know . Just got to pull it off - 10min job was running at ST60 Autopilot
  14. Hey baz I thought about your polarity theory and tried it in the cockpit . Difference is massive when you reverse polarity on one speaker! I knew it didn’t sound right just never considered the cancellation issue! got over the struggling car speakers in the saloon and stumped up for a nice pair of Kef outdoor box speakers for the saloon—- plug and play, totally sealed and water proof so will be very happy in the saloon. They are a bit big but we are definitely ready to party now. look out for a loud townson this summer - half volume and you’ve gotta get out of the cabin hahaha poi
  15. Tranz diesel Silverdale just tell him it’s a 2030 out of a digger not a marine install….I think this is the same as mine so it is a Perkins generic motor and they are really helpful worth a call anyway
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