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armchairadmiral last won the day on May 22 2021

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411 Excellent

About armchairadmiral

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  1. Yiu should get a credit. If it's good enough for a WOF it's the same thing ? Email YNZ & hope for a reply
  2. That's the consequence of dumbing down the population. Have a look on SA at a 3 story 'sailiing" cat. Don't often agree with that Editor but he's on to this one !
  3. Original Riada ( the ketch) was /is Lauries best all rounder. Performance /looks/ comfort
  4. Problem with that IT is :how do the shops get scallops ? But it's better to decide how to do it once beds recover rather than totally deplete and wonder how that happened. I'm assuming it's a total ban and none of this customary BS.
  5. Waste not ,want not. Please let me have it.
  6. Well I wish GD ,TNZ every success. It's an oldie but a goodie.....you don't know what you've got until you lose it. Tall poppie syndrome alive and well BP ?
  7. Support this. Give that area a break. It's been pillaged and plundered,mainly by dredges for far too long. And the divers. Most stuck to the rules but there's just too many people diving these days.
  8. Simple solution for budding yachtsman Mr.Dunphy,who incidentally I've never come across in many years of sailing,is to form his own challenge,recruit his own team. As a rich lister he will know that money can buy (almost) anything. It's easy peasey ?
  9. We've done the last 4. Big effort getting boat up there.Unloading for racing,putting it all back together, delivery crew/race crew,accommodation....and so on. Well worth the effort and we enjoy the format. It's not broken so don't fix it ! p.s. we do Island racing
  10. All too hard. We went back to a SS backstay...heavier but clears the leech better too
  11. This is how stupid gets to be the norm in regs like this one. Just illustrating how it happens
  12. Yes ...I'm absolutely positive BOIG is 110 % correct. Perhaps your view is based on newspaper,TV & Radio reporting. Mostly The view you have may have been 50's,60's but that changed on the make up of Parliamentarians with MMP. Yes I know that came later ! Why,now we have unemployed getting seats . Likewise Councils now get race based seats as does Govt.. It's become a bureaucrats dream. On BOPRC theres one elected member who only got his seat because no one else stood. Not Left or Right leaning. Nor an Accountant ,Lawyer etc or a business person .I think he was about 20 & a Hairdresse
  13. More truth in that post than even you (probably) realise !
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