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Okahu Hard Stand meeting

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23 hours ago, ex Elly said:



So the truth comes out - it is all a dastardly plan by the commercial boatyard owner to kill off more affordable competition:

The Royal Akarana Yacht Club is bankrolled by the Akarana Marine Sports Charitable Trust and Hyundai New Zealand, which are both headed by Howard Spencer - a keen boatie from one of Auckland’s richest families, whose own yacht is named ‘The Menace’.
Leading up to the vote on closing the public boatyard, the local board heard from the operations manager of Tamaki Marine Park in Mt Wellington who said any vessels affected by the Okahu Bay closure could be redirected to his facility. The marine park is owned by Tasman Holdings, which is directed by Howard Spencer.

Not really practical for a yacht - have to take the rig out, cant get under the bridge (8m height restriction)

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We need to know who all the players are here, who has conflicts of interest. How is it that a heritage haulout area that was upgraded by the council for 3-4 million in the late 2000's is now being taken over by a club for parking to the detriment of the wider yachting community. I had a chat with someone from the harbourmaster office, they mentioned about 100 dead and dying boats that need to be disposed of right now in Auckland! Taking these facilities away by temporarily elected board members who are unaffected is shortsighted and will make that situation worse.  

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On 19/03/2023 at 12:07 PM, ex Elly said:

The Royal Akarana Yacht Club is bankrolled by the Akarana Marine Sports Charitable Trust and Hyundai New Zealand, which are both headed by Howard Spencer - a keen boatie from one of Auckland’s richest families, whose own yacht is named ‘The Menace’.
Leading up to the vote on closing the public boatyard, the local board heard from the operations manager of Tamaki Marine Park in Mt Wellington who said any vessels affected by the Okahu Bay closure could be redirected to his facility. The marine park is owned by Tasman Holdings, which is directed by Howard Spencer.

if that isnt a declaration of a conflict of interest then I dont know what is!


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YachtingNZ now getting involved:

Support urged to prevent 'biodiversity disaster in our backyard'

Yachting New Zealand is calling on Auckland Council to take immediate action to help prevent a biodiversity disaster in our backyard.

YNZ chief executive David Abercrombie is also urging Kiwis to support legal efforts against what he called “significant restraints” on antifouling capacity in the Auckland region further threatening our marine environment.

“The closing of affordable and fit-for-purpose haul-out areas around Auckland is a contentious issue and potentially a contributing factor to the negative consequences of invasive species and the demise of the Hauraki Gulf,” Abercrombie said.



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Yachties take fight to save Auckland boatyard to the High Court

A group of Auckland yachties has taken its fight to save a public boatyard to the High Court arguing the loss of hull cleaning facilities would be a threat to biosecurity in the Hauraki Gulf.

The case centres around a controversial decision by the Ōrākei Local Board to terminate the contract of The Landing boatyard in Ōkahu Bay, in favour of a proposal to redevelop it into a car park and events space to be utilised by the Royal Akarana Yacht Club.

Andrew Barney of the rival Auckland Yachting and Boating Association (AYBA) said it had applied to the High Court for a judicial review, and interim orders that would temporarily hold back the bulldozers.



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1 hour ago, waikiore said:

And of course the closure of the Pier 21 hardstand at a very similar time -a Spencer family controlled lease......

Pier 21 was closed after the property lease got sold, the Winton group closed down the yard

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The AYBA will be having a meeting soon i believe as to how far it is to pursue these cases and how many it will fight as this is totally dependent on funds.

Here's an update and more can be read here https://www.ayba.org.nz/blog/post/103082/april-2023-update/

Prior to the Super City there were 8 Councils in the Auckland Region and over-seeing our coastline and regional parks was the Auckland Regional Council. Today there are 21 Local Boards making local decisions for their area and there is no co-ordinated Regional Plan for the protection of our coastal and marine environment.


In the Auckland Council’s own words:
“Space in Coastal Locations are increasingly attractive to alternative development!”

Such a policy threatens many of the Club and other facilities currently on “Desirable Coastal Land”! Auckland’s Unitary Plan endorses “Intensification” – another threat.

This is why the AYBA and the Auckland Marina Users Assn. Inc. are demanding a Regional Plan – Not just of the haul-out facilities but of all our Coastal resources for the ongoing and future access to our greatest recreational facility – the Harbour & Gulf – and for the future well-being of our marine environment and the well-being of a great part of our population who finds sanctuary by and on the sea.


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So if the ayba wins appeal no doubt council will lodge another appeal or make the haulout cost prohibitive. See gave them the facilities but they don't want to use it  Wayne Brown wants everything to be profitable.user pays.Want to make Liberians volunteers.Close cabs as rents to costly. 

What sanctions are ynz going to place on rayc seeing how they back closure??

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A big part of the issue was the local board was responsible for setting the haul out rates, but hadnt updated them for years, hence the yard was very cheap to use, but struggled to cover its costs.

Nobody is objecting to a price hike to bring it in line with other commerical operations

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