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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/11/21 in all areas

  1. Home-spun chartplotter and autopilot on Stepping Out In earlier episodes you will have identified that we have been working at the limits of a cellphone's navigational ability. But SO doesn't justify a full-blown suite of electronics - even a basic chart plotter would come close to 25% of her value. So, when I found out about OpenCPN and Openplotter and the ability for the system to be scaled around what you have, my interest was piqued. Here's the story of the build of a basic open-source chart plotter and its attached auto-pilot control system. This is not a recommendation that
    3 points
  2. https://4dsystems.com.au/products/4d-intelligent-hmi-display-modules/raspberry-pi-compatible-kits?p=2&product_list_limit=42
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. If someone actually organised enough of the voting Squadron members into forcing an outcome, that outcome could be quite interesting. Maybe AC38 could be held in Piedy's out the front of the squadron?
    2 points
  5. I think it is extremely irresponsible to go out with kids without taking communications gear. More so that the weather is average, and even more so not telling family / a contact on shore contact they weren't going to be back. I'm a bit angry, and mildly speechless. Could get a good handheld VHF for $200 or less, which is probably what they spent on petrol for the weekend. Let alone bait or soft baits.
    2 points
  6. Having my Business partner and I just geting back in to sailing (with an IT support company between us) and working with Pi's for various commercial appications (Voip servers etc.), we are just now investigating this setup too. Spent this evenign trying to find suitable touch screens that run off HDMI and usb power. Likely just starting with running Navionics and a multi media function for entertainment but hoping to expand this as we learn the boat, sailing, our Raymarine sensors and so on. I look forward to your posts on the subject.
    1 point
  7. Tidal diamond B is shown on NZ 5219 Approaches to Marsden Point. Download here: https://www.linz.govt.nz/sea/charts/paper-charts/nz5219
    1 point
  8. Only ever been around the outside once, that was in a big easterly in our Cav 32. 4 yachts carried on and all the launches turned around and headed back to the BOI. Always go for the gap.
    1 point
  9. All but one coastal I have done -mind I have been awfully close to the Dog at night! And cruising always except once when the seas were so big as we bore away into the bay the little Townson I was on started planing and we held it almost to Albert channel -you dont forget rides like that.
    1 point
  10. Sailing, racing, pretty much never. Sightseeing, fishing, diving all the time. It's a great place to park up if you're sailing!
    1 point
  11. The biggest crime was crossing into a level 2 area without current Covid tests me thinks
    1 point
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