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Everything posted by B00B00

  1. I need the van taken up as well. But Craig got in first. Damm!
  2. I know they are starting to recycle carbon boats these days too. They put them through a mincer and then burn the resin off them. The resulting product is used for making moulds for the carbon boats.
  3. There were 2 GBE boards for sale on trade me recently. They sold for $92 to someone called Hamish from Hibiscus coast. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1146058585 I gave my old boards to Curly for the Plan B. However I might still have the end bits off the new boards from when I cut them off at the right angle. I will have a look for you.
  4. Here are the sizes for Bad Kittys main. Luff 15.150 Leech 15.550 Foot 5.500 So the top could be made into a square head with the 750mm luff reductions. The luff curve is probably the biggest change that might be needed. Brendan your old mans mainsail sizes are exactly the same as Higher Ground so I will see where his old squarehead mainsail is.
  5. I'm not sure about the plotter. At a guess I think it's the Zeus but couldn't be sure. It's a very nice bit of kit and we noticed that we can do grip overlays on it too I think. I don't have a computer yet but am looking at a tough book or similar second hand. There is one for $495 on trade me. Open to suggestions on the best setup.
  6. Hi Matt, the sun fast is fully cocked with all the B&G triton gear with autopilot and chart plotter. I also have the wireless network kit but its not setup yet. I think we are only just touching the surface of what the whole setup can do. I would love to get a run down of how it works and hand to set it up with the computer and grib files ect. Happy if you want to use it to show others the product capabilities at the same time.
  7. How much do you want for it? I need all that setup for the round north island race.
  8. B00B00


    Yes I have a selection of them around the back of the house. The best one has gone to provincial cowboy but I still have 2 blades there but no case. Welcome to come and have a look sometime if you want Greg.
  9. B00B00

    white knight

    My one was solid glass and was VERY heavy compared to the foam glass ones that were measured at the same time. Around 150-200KG difference which was 15-20% I think the foam glass was also a lot stiffer. It would be a great buy for that price!
  10. Im just using the real basic Windows movie maker.
  11. Its easy, I just make a video to remind me what happened out there.....
  12. I have 1 or 2 old square socket winch handels at home if that is what you are after. I think they are maxwell but not sure, I will check.
  13. Sun Fast 3600 Racing's SSANZ Evolution 100 Report It seemed that someone must have confessed all their sins as we were blessed with another forecast of strong winds, just what we love! Had a pretty good start and was right at the front of the pack getting out of the harbour. The first leg to Rangi light was almost hard on so just a main and medium jib, we hoisted the code zero as soon as we rounded Rangi light and settled in for the reach to Tiri. Breeze was still only around 10-15kts here but there was a menacing black could behind us which we were keeping a close eye on. The breeze built qu
  14. Same, followed by a night sail with the Mayfield scout group.
  15. You got any big boats marshy? Might have to try and put a team together and get out there.
  16. I remember that race well. I was on higher ground (6883) and we absolutley nailed that start. Everyone forgot that the buoy was just an inner distance mark and the was well back from the line.
  17. B00B00


    Classic, breezin was what we turned into the modified GBE 'Rental' A new bow and stern and seriously modified rig plan....
  18. B00B00


    I have a kevlar #2 jib at home off my old GBE. My one had a higher forestay so the luff was longer by around 6-700mm I think. Can you measure your luff and then I will see if its going to work.
  19. You generally need a stronger boom for mid boom sheeting.
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