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AJ Oliver

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Everything posted by AJ Oliver

  1. There are two sorts of sailboats - those that have run aground, and those that have not yet run aground.
  2. Canadians of all shapes and sizes are great at offering assistance to mariners in distress. It's unfortunate that the gent in this case was where he should not have been - most Nova Scotians well know to not be out there in 50 kts plus, not to mention the water temp. If we ever sit down for a pint I'll tell you the story of how three Pelee Island (Ontario, CA) kids saved a mates cruising sloop.
  3. Very instructive discussion. Rig tuning is critical to performance.
  4. They were masters of the ship building arts . . One could do an MA thesis on the schooner alone - they revolutionized sailing. This one is patterned after a US privateer that devastated British shipping during the War of 1812 http://www.sailbaltimore.org/images/ships/2007Oct11_PrideofBaltimore_FredButler.jpg
  5. A catfish and a lawyer walk into a bar - how might one tell them apart? Answer: One of them is a bottom feeding, scum sucking carrion eater . . And the other is a fish.
  6. In close quarters, it's mighty handy to be able to turn the boat with BOTH the tiller and pivoting motor. Lots of boats you can turn within their own length. And if my rudder falls off the boat (happens really more than you think), I can still steer with the motor. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ourroadtorio.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F12%2FBroken-Rudder.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.serebiiforums.com%2Farchive%2Findex.php%2Ft-604347-p-19.html&docid=Q1kwejUUqpTtoM&tbnid=8mZwFIYtTMFJnM%3A&w=960&h=720&bih=770&biw=1600&a
  7. I have a 6 hp Nissan four stroke (same or nearly so as the Tohatsu) on my 26 foot, 4400 (US) pound boat - it's plenty of power. Weight is 65 US pounds. I keep it simple - hand start, and no controls in the cockpit (but I have long arms!! Heh) I'd say get the EXTRA LONG SHAFT - works much better in any sort of seaway.
  8. Well written promo - hope it works for ya. Two quick points - (1) Thanks once more to you Aotearoans for your welcoming global sailing outreach. (2) Our season here is nearly over, but tell your kids on OE (can Kiwis still afford to do it?) to come visit us for a sail on the Sweetwater Seas - in particular Ohio's Sandusky Sailing Club . . We'll get them on a boat, and help them catch up with their laundry. Least we can do. Past Commodore Skip
  9. By way of comparison, this boat is now for sale at our (member owned) club. It is in very good condition. I wonder what it would cost to ship it to NZ? 1987 Sabre 30 Mark III. One of few available on the Great Lakes. Excellent condition. Sails in great shape. New, upgraded diesel in 2006. Numerous recent improvements. Includes cradle. Ready to cruise or race. Can be seen in water at SSC Dock A24. Asking $39,900. Contact ---
  10. Yesterday we had a surfeit of weather !!
  11. AJ Oliver

    sunday orca

    I thought this was pretty amazing - smart seal !!
  12. . . must be at least 50mm in height preferably 100mm, ." Are these big enough?
  13. The Vikings terrorized just about all of Europe for centuries. Interesting factoid - Many people of African descent think that the word "slavery" has something to do with their own ethnicity. But in fact, the word comes from "Slav" (makes sense, right?) because of the many many thousands of slavic people kidnapped the the Vikings and sold as chattel around the Mediterranean. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volga_trade_route
  14. AJ Oliver

    Olympic results

    Wow, ya even bested Croatia! Not to mention the gringos.
  15. I be gobsmacked . . none of ya care about how she sails? Lets see, looks and room . . what else could possibly matter? As the young 'uns say, "WHAAAAAAAAAT . . ?" (Free Plug For Great Escape) http://www.greatescape.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/davidson2.png
  16. As someone from the home of the Cleveland Indians, I do find their "Chief Wahoo" logo offensive. They are phasing it out under pressure. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=imgres&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjRjYu765jOAhVKPD4KHSu3BP4QjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FChief_Wahoo&psig=AFQjCNFrraP6F4CXG6NfALuLO6V0iSEpNg&ust=1469887414458428 I see nothing wrong with the Comanche genoa (a-sym?)
  17. ". . no one is allowed to come within 20 mtrs of another boat!" Great Idea !! (Our awesome mark rounding skills) https://external-yyz1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQB1IaJDecDWl2lc&w=487&h=323&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdigital.olivesoftware.com%2FOlive%2FODE%2FSanduskyRegister%2Fserver%2FGetContent.asp%3Fcontentsrc%3Dprimitive%26dochref%3DSDSKY%252F2016%252F07%252F09%26entityid%3DPc01107%26pageno%3D11%26chunkid%3DPc01107%26pagelabel%3DB1%26repformat%3D1.0%26primid%3DPc0110700%26imgext%3Djpg%26currentpublicationname%3DSDSKY%26type%3DContent%26for%3Dprimitive
  18. And New Plymouth has some awesome sushi . . http://www.sushininja.co.nz/ We were there for a fund raiser they hosted for the Christchurch quake. Very nice folks !!
  19. When confused seas are about, be sure you have your hatch boards and lazarette hatches dogged down.
  20. Very fortunate for her that the Chesapeake is warm at this time of year . . About 77 F; 25 Celsius
  21. You could turn it into a combined sail passage and peace studies course . .
  22. Yes, on Sunday the first two starts in particular were pretty awful.
  23. http://www.sailingworld.com/kiwis-on-top-in-new-york#page-6
  24. I'll see your "Boaty McBoatface" and raise you a . . (S2 7.9, roughly a Gringo version of an SR-26. Dagger board, trailerable. No longer made -natch! You can get a good one for $ 15K USD Boats are cheaper here. As far as I know there are none in Aotearoa.)
  25. Very, very sorry to hear about the Kestrel. Roughly similar here on Humboldt Bay, California is the Madaket, which also requires a really well organized effort to persist. (I'm out here from the Great Lakes volunteering on the Golden Rule) http://humboldtbaymaritimemuseum.com/madaketmainpage.html
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