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They were improving over the regatta getting a 4th & 5th, obviously not used to the antiquated sailing equipment.😉

They did lead at the fist mark in the last group race but dropped off the foils at the bottom mark, missed the layline.


Just like my school reports........"could do better", "room for improvement", "needs to concentrate".😜

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It IS interesting about the units used. The masthead indications seemed to be in Kilometers, but even the commentators were caught out a couple of times. At one stage on day one a boat was said to be doing 72 knots!

I guess they are aiming to hit a world-wide audience of non-sailors.

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It looks like a demolition derby. Very big risk of a major prang. Mix up a dip with a tack, or just dipped too late, you could have a head on at 120 km/h...

Very exciting to watch - visually spectacular. I think they could do with a better way of seeing to leeward rather than a main wing window. This last AC used cameras didn't they? Got to be some tech they could use to mitigate the risk. Jet fighter collision avoidance radar wouldn't be out of place...

Fleet racing, 8 boats on the same sized course they used for AC match racing, doing between 50 and 80 km/hr - chaos...

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On 26/04/2021 at 12:40 PM, SloopJohnB said:

They were improving over the regatta getting a 4th & 5th, obviously not used to the antiquated sailing equipment.😉


Ainslie improved out of sight and deserved to win the final. Was flawless. while our boys looked awful and improved to be ordinary 

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To put our guys in perspective, they are the absolute new boys-all others have practiced or competed before. Our boat was caught in the lockdown on the wharf and took a while to be released, the official practice day was cancelled and turned into a race day, give them a chance to get to grips with this exciting and close racing.

The coverage could be much improved if they gave us a proper view of the start- but maybe that was on Sky (I watched on youtube) 

Yes I agree on the water - well actually everywhere wind should be in knots, and speed on water in knots -in fact they were trying to confuse themselves denoting speed as knots!

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That’s a bummer about the NZ stop. I personally know so many even pensioners that are antivaxers that one wonders how the border may ever open? Some have told me they’re happy to keep it closed until 2023 or longer! Maybe cancel super payments to those that refuse to get vaccinated.  There’s a 83 y/o squadron member that goes to Church in Russell that was planning to make the trip to Christchurch with myself and my 14 y/o son. All sadly off this time.


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The kph wind annoys me most -apparently those who think wind and speed on water is measured in kph also dont have the attention span to watch a full yacht race or even a shortened one of four legs......

A big shame those controlling the stats on who is first or third and which boat we are on are not up with sailing back at the famous Ealing studios in the UK.

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Anybody get to watch the Sydney edition today?  

Spectacular crash at the start of race 3 by Sir Ben didn’t see Nathan Outeridge (Japan) on a port/Starboard and completely sheared the bow of Japan off. Literally “front fell off”. 

Won’t mention the dismal (poor, awful, embarrassing) showing of TNZ but Phil Robertson is doing very well. 

The coverage is getting better and it’s worth watching on YouTube when it gets uploaded. 

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I used a vpn app on my phone to watch live on youtube, mirrored to tv. The racing was good, the visuals pretty good, pretty bad commentary as usual.

The crash was a windward boat (ainslie) failing to see a boat to leeward and landing on them. Looks like nz almost hit the french because of it too.  Very exciting, but poor nathan.

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So, Sydney day one (yesterday) was as eventful as last year. 

Ben Ainslie was the star turn (again) - lost a man overboard between the hulls still attached to his tether. It’s a must watch for anyone who wants to know what happens when you are dragged through the water at 40knots. Watch from 37.50:  


TNZ had a disappointing start in first race but recovered OK in races 2&3 and could have been alright if day 2 happened. It’s now been cancelled because another weather incident during pack down after first three races trashed a couple of boats with Canada’s rig destroyed. Good video worth watching on Stuff (but as a technophobe I can’t work out how to post the link)

My gripe about SailGP is not that they record everything in km/h but the very short nature of it. 3 x 10-15 minute races each day leaves me feeling like it’s sailing lite.  It’s a lot of effort for about an hour racing over the weekend.


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