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  1. I really don't mind contributing my little bit towards that.
    9 points
  2. Yeah... this is actually quite awesome of the NZ system. When my son passed in a dirt bike accident, ACC provided a one off payment and 80% of his salary until my grand daughter, who was unborn at the time, turns 18. It was a substantial relief to discover that this even existed. She's able to get on with just raising her new born, without the stress of also being the only income earner.
    9 points
  3. Better to let the guilty go free than lock up an innocent man something something...... Anyway the short story is don't cut the corner where steep underwater geography, strong currents and a ground swell are in play
    7 points
  4. Seriously! I see a few of these something is wrong out there in interweb land
    5 points
  5. I never knew until you posted that. And it is something I have given substantial thought to, pay moonbeams for life insurance, having two kids and an Auckland sized mortgage. In all my time investigating life insurance policies and benefits I never found out the cover from ACC for accidental death. And it is something I feel genuinely very warming to know exists. Partner knows a lady (acquaintance) who's husband committed suicide, they either had two under 5's or an under 5 and she was pregnant - absolutely guttingly heartbreaking situation. The exact situation this ACC policy is for
    5 points
  6. No warning label? IT MUST BE SAFE đŸ¤£
    4 points
  7. I can see MNZ rewriting the rule book.No mention of compensation to families for lose of lives. Yes I believed Lance to be in the wrong and still do,looking at where he was and conditions,shallows wasnt the place to be.
    3 points
  8. Not guilty https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/522769/enchanter-trial-skipper-lance-goodhew-found-not-guilty-of-breaching-duties
    3 points
  9. I use AI generated images but certainly not for boats. Example - Prompt: sailing yacht with brightly coloured spinnaker Result:
    2 points
  10. I can't understand how you're drawing the conclusion that rogue waves don't break as the water gets shallower or the boat wasn't where the evidence showed it was, or for that matter how you've concluded that the wave wasn't breaking at the time of impact, when clearly the case file suggests otherwise? The judge concluded that it was unreasonable to expect the skipper to predict a rogue wave. That's substantially different from your assertions. Therefore the presumption from MNZ that he should not have been in such shallow water because he wasn't prepared/ready for a Rogue wave bec
    2 points
  11. The case notes strongly suggests otherwise... The evidence from several survivors was that a 10m high wave came in, was clearly visible in the distance, it built even higher, crested and broke, rolling and smashing the boat to pieces. I am pretty sure that Rogue waves, crest and break, just like any other wave, when the distance to the sea bed becomes less than the height of the wave.
    2 points
  12. That’s what happens when you buy a French boat
    2 points
  13. Racing yesterday off Browns island and we got in amongst a school of Orca. One hefty young buck peeled off and decided to have a bit of fun with us. We were doing 12 knots and this guy was hardly moving, he came right up under the stern and started playing with the leeward rudder, little taps to start with then a hefty whack which just about took the tiller out of my hand. The rest of the family turned up and called him off so the whole episode lasted less than a minute but a bit scary for sure. I've had a few dolphins do this before but this was a bit next level, he was a big animal. I s
    2 points
  14. 1 point
  15. it was enough time for me to run to a bottle shop once when I forgot the rum haha
    1 point
  16. Limited, it's pretty technical and subject to case law. Not an area of the ACC operations manual I have had to familiarise myself with fortunately.
    1 point
  17. "New Zealand sailor" My favourite so far
    1 point
  18. Even AI has the usual bowman issues
    1 point
  19. In saying that, I read that fact on the interweb, and now I am paranoid that fact itself was a product of AI produced content, and I've no idea what to believe anymore...
    1 point
  20. If you need an anchor, AI has you covered
    1 point
  21. It is a little known thing about ACC. IMO, they should talk more about it.
    1 point
  22. More often than you might think. That's the justice system at work. The evidence falls where it falls, the judge or jury assess on what they hear and see in the courtroom. This was a trial requiring " beyond reasonable doubt". That's a very high bar for a prosecution to hurdle, and rightly so. The judge had doubts, so the outcome was a foregone conclusion.
    1 point
  23. Ridiculous result , from a lame prosecution . It wasnt a rogue wave and yes they often peak up along that shore in those conditions hence If Goodhew knew where he was, it was easy to predict.
    1 point
  24. Not guilty. Wow. How often does that happen?!? Can't wait for Maritime NZ to comment... From Aardvarks link: Judge Rzepecky said the terrible tragedy was caused by a significant rogue wave in otherwise benign conditions, and could not be sure Goodhew could have foreseen it given the information he had at the time.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Why you don't want to stay aboard in a cyclone...
    1 point
  27. We go back almost annually. It has gotten worse.
    1 point
  28. The Colin Chapman Law of Race Engineering is similar. He held that any car that made it past the finish line was over-engineered.
    1 point
  29. If it breaks it was too weak, if it doesn't it's too heavy
    1 point
  30. Goodness that was a powerful cunninghamđŸ˜†
    1 point
  31. And the seawater temps seem to be breeding stronger, faster forming, more intense ones, especially in that neck of the woods. Was in the Caribbean post Hugo, on St Croix you didn't have birds chirping a month later. Got caught in Nantucket when Bob blew through, good prep removal of sails, lines doubled, every anchor out and allowing for the change in direction after the eye passed over. I did not stay on the boat, there was 70' sailboats heeling 25 degrees at the docks, and the harbour looked like a bowling alley the following morning, we were lucky. Was in Ft Lauderda
    1 point
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