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This Weekend's Achievements


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5 hours ago, aardvarkash10 said:

Just back from 12 days out.

Original intent was Gt Barrier, but the weather gods decreed two weeks of windless conditions.  So we lazily toured the islands and anchorages available around Coromandel.  We didn't regret it.

Stops included Te Kouma, Woolshed Bay and Deep Cove on Whanganui Island, Waimate Island, Moturua Island, Motuwi Island, and Happy Jack.

Apart from Te Kouma and Chamberlain's on our last night, we had a maximum of 3 boats in sight each evening.  Deep Cove we had to ourselves for 3 days.

Along the way we had encounters with dolphins, orca, a number of hammerhead juveniles, and a large unidentified shark that jumped and barrel rolled 10m off us at Motuwi and put us off swimming for the afternoon.

We were gifted and delivered fresh snapper by some gnarly old guys fishing in a mussel farm one morning, and we had brilliant if windless conditions the whole time.

130 litres of water, 30 litres of diesel, 3 litres of Kero, 2 dozen beers, 12 assorted wines, a bottle of port, 2 bags of coffee, and far too much food kept the yacht and us going.

And we worked out we need something a little bigger than a Sarabande for comfort.


I can thoroughly recommend an Elliott 1050 - there’s one on trademe at the moment!

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2 hours ago, aardvarkash10 said:

Seen that.  It's under consideration.  Change won't be immediate, we don't want to fall into the "2 boats" trap!

Have you heard the ancient Chinese curse?

"May you own more than one boat"....

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Bugger the Admirals bathroom I have cracked on and completed the 6 wheeler cradle and now ready for the “big flip”.

My thinking is to be able to tilt the hull to ease back ache whilst completing the inside and having a mobile build makes for a very tidy workshop just take the Morby for a walk and give it a blowjob outside.




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21 hours ago, Pecco said:

It took a Lil more then a week end but....

New colors and name change...

We did the bilge pee ceremony, that should keep us safe:-D.

More to do...


That's beautiful 

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