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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/23 in all areas

  1. Didnt affect the yachts sailing up and down the harbour on a lovely evening last night either, I would have thought a leading yacht club would emphasise skippers responsibility and personal choice -much like I chose to go swimming each day during our first lockdown, "nobody dead, nothing to see here -as I said to the police man who watched us ancient locals swimming where we always do . He smiled and left.
    2 points
  2. Its pretty clear the Rahui is an expression of a specific cultural approach to hundreds of tons of sh*t pouring in the harbour as a result of dilapidated infrastructure, 110 year old pipes anyone? They not saying no boating or any other activity, they are lending weight to a pretty common sense position based on e coli levels in the Waitemata. I am sure you can go for a dip if you want or race a yacht but showing a bit of solidarity from time to time isn't the end of the world. What really needs to happen is a massive upgrade of our infrastructure which is groaning under the load of massive
    2 points
  3. I say keep on swimming undeterred Under turd get it?
    2 points
  4. Switched from a 8hp 2 stroke Yamaha with high thrust prop to a new tohatsu 6hp 4 stroke sail pro (ultra long shaft) on our Ross 780. Outboard mounted on bracket out back. Love the tohatsu would never go back to 2 stroke. SP model comes standard with yacht specific prop, charging system and ultra long shaft.
    2 points
  5. A couple of things I don’t follow. Is the sewerage flowing into harbour continuously because of sink hole? Yes - the line is blocked, so the flow isn't getting to the Orakei pump station which would norrmally push it through the Hobson tunnel and ultimatly to Mangere Or only when stormwater ingress floods sewer system beyond capacity? - This happens due to the legacy combined sewage/stormwater system. This is steadily being seperated, but very expensive to do completly. Case in point the St Marys Bay Tunnel, caputred all the flows that would have traditionally gone out into we
    2 points
  6. Dont worry, we're on it
    2 points
  7. Hmmm lets see... E. coli levels in the Waitematā are at record highs all 23 monitoring stations, from Herald Is, down to St Helliers are reporting "very high risk" watercare has urged that people refrain from recreational activity on the water the water around the overflow outlets is black, it's absolutely wreaking of sh*t and are in the worst condition I have ever seen them - I am surprised that we have not had an algae bloom yet People can and do fall overboard, gear can and does end up in the water... If you have never dragged your sail or your sheets t
    2 points
  8. Won a race d88ec426-448d-4b13-a0c6-79c69df203d8.mp4
    2 points
  9. We could ask Parnell residents to hold on for a day or two while the weather is nice? Maybe we could reinstate a few nightcarts?
    1 point
  10. We got the long shaft option, same as the old one and have it mounted on the transom. Dropped all the way on the bracket works fine in all but really short steep sea states then you get the occasional cavitation.
    1 point
  11. Closing the ports is a developers wet dream and not in the interest of the wider city at all, which is pretty clear to everyone with half a brain. I'd hardly call that a good example of why we shouldn't be saving the hardstand. Where do you get the idea the hardstand is subsidized? My understanding was that the council set the rates and could have increased them at any time, and that despite that it was a net profit on the books. As for the rest of your post - much of the initial protest to the Orakei Board decision was precisely that a regional asset wasn't theirs to decide o
    1 point
  12. All racing cancelled for this week, Orakei sewer outfall is used everytime there is a heavy rain event -more than 12 times this year, we are heading back to the fifties when the M class and 18' fleet had to negotiate the seagulls off the outfall running constantly, almost as bad as the constant flows off Castor bay and the new one off Mairangi Bay -Robbie will be turning in his grave .
    1 point
  13. I've just moved to a 4 stroke, 10hp, ultra long shaft outboard for our GBE catamaran. It's outstanding in the chop, doesn't seem to cavitate at all, and is two cylinders so a bit quieter than a 2 stroke. Unfortunately, it weighs about 45kg which is quite a handful getting in and out of the outboard pod. I'm 6 foot 4 and it's probably the limit to what I could manage (needs to be a one person job because two people get in the way of each other if they're both trying to do it at once). I think I can make it easier by adding some shoulder carrying straps to the motor, but it's not for th
    1 point
  14. Yes it has been getting harder for the average boatie for years. But that doesn't mean we allow the trend to continue. And for me the two real issues are capacity for yachts with masts in. Then accessibility for boats in the central harbour. In recent years we have lost the ability to paint on the grid at Westhaven, then we lost the grid at Westhaven. Then we lost Pier 21. I read the list of grids posted. Take away the club grids, the height restricted grids, and the grids past Rangi light or Browns Island and you are left with HMB, Orams, Hobsonville and the Landing. And guess what - as ratep
    1 point
  15. So i rode through the landing in the weekend. quite interesting as there were quite a lot of dinghies etc. All lined up along the ramp, rigging, getting ready, some foil sailors rigging up, a couple of out rigger guys. Guess what? None of them were using the hard stand area, not one. It is interesting that the park proponent holds out a range of potential and occasional events, that may or may not ever be held there, versus the "mere 300" boats" a year that used the area continuously. There is already a massive park nearby if it recall........ So the hard stand needs to shut just in
    1 point
  16. Fairly sure you'll find it's under utilised because the operator got the boot, you booted all the boats off it and no one can haul out. So as of now, it's just sitting their growing weeds. Yes you can legitimately say it is under utilised, but only cause you shafted it. Basic dirty tricks. PS, still didn't answer re your major donor's financial interest in the Tamaki Marine Park. If it's not true, just give us a 'no'. We'll take silence as a yes.
    1 point
  17. Closing boatyards in the name of supporting people having access to the water is cutting off your nose to spite your face too, don't you think?
    1 point
  18. I note you won't deny the connection. Good oh. So your current response is to try and marginalise me with the good old "conspiracy theorist". You will win your way. You have the connections and influence, oh, and money. But you have lost a lot of respect from the wider boating community for the way you have gone about this and conducted yourself. Just saying.
    1 point
  19. which will in turn filter sailors through to keelboats), Keep this up and there won't be any keelboats left.
    1 point
  20. Lol, I'd love to know how many people were on the committee that wrote this simpering drivel. "The exclusive use of a fortunate few..." Give me a break! I'd love to compare how many boats moved through that space annually in order to keep themselves running for cruising and racing, then add up how many people got access to the water from attending said cruises and races, against your tally of dinghies and paddlers and the like. Only then could possibly I be willing to hear out your argument in good faith. And for the record, I *have* spent a *lot* of sunny weekends there in the last
    1 point
  21. Rahui's have no legal basis. It is your own free choice to go swim in poo. Sailing on it is an entirely different proposition.
    0 points
  22. Ports of Auckland are struggling to hold onto their spot and they return millions to rate payers. Do you honestly believe a subsidised hardstand on prime, public, waterfront park land is going to last 5, 10, 15 years into future? Encourage the Council to allow club yards to expand their footprints, fundraise for better systems at these club yards, petition against zoning changes that allow property developers to build around marinas, and support the clubs that are doing what they need to survive.
    -1 points
  23. Have they got some publicly available water testing results? Yes, the committees should be carrying out a risk assessment on the available information. Not just blindly following a dictate from an unelected race based group. My understanding is the warnings are around gathering shellfish, swimming, and recreational based activities that bring you into contact with water. A key clew here is the website being called "safeswim", not "safeboating". Kayaking would be marginal. Spear fishing def out. Fishing from a boat? I'm not seeing a major issue with that. Same with yacht racing. Noting I h
    -1 points
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