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They are painting themselves into an ideological corner, fouling is a natural process. It's what happens in the marine environment and is the basis of the ecosystem, us boaties provide free new blank canvasses for this process to occur- so what is the problem? I understand that moving one ecosystem to another and introducing new organisms is problematic but otherwise so what? Are they going to demand piers, jetties, navigation buoys etc be anti fouled- of course not! (Hang on we are dealing with ideologues so who knows knows!) Combine the removal of public cleaning facilities, the shrink4 points
Nervous moments on the router table reducing the Navy Whaler oars by 300mm in length and shaping the new handles. They are nesting nicely now and the new mainsail just arrived all 7.8 sqm of it.4 points
Ive just given the video and a statement to the police. They told me he did turn up for court, but late and is back in court today3 points
3 points
A bit of googling shows that the EPA have banned the use of Thiram in Altex ablative, effective from the end of 2023. https://www.epa.govt.nz/hazardous-substances/rules-notices-and-how-to-comply/specific-substance-guidance/antifouling-paints/2 points
I have heard that in certain regions where barnacles are a problem that cow drench containing ivermectin has been added to anti foul with great success2 points
I was there on Xmas day and witnessed him collide with some Dutch liveaboards. I managed to get video of it. He only missed me by around a meter. I had to gun it to get out of the way, horn blasting the whole time. I felt bloody sorry for the Dutchies, they were sitting on their boat have a glass of bubbles, next thing this prick went straight into them. He then moved across to Palm Beach from what I understand, and I think his tender washed up on Oneroa after he hit the Dutch couple.2 points
2 points
Loveworkx lady sailing a Grinde I see - same 27 footer that the American girl, Holly, is sailing round world. Initially I thought this might have been Grant / KnotMe roving around the anchorage berating people for still using CQR anchors..... ha ha just jokes Mr CRA 😀 Then I thought it might have been some clipboard wielding Caulerpa govt. agency guy gone bananas.... But, looks like just a random bananas guy gone bananas. Scary though - not sure what I would have done, but I doubt I would have handed my expensive iPhone over to him without a fight, literally....2 points
Ac38 seems to be in trouble, challenger of record melting into acrimonious court cases , no venue, no rules yet , unless you are a billionaire trying to offload large amounts -who will be a sponsor of such an event ? or potential team ? Yes I know the hoards from Auckland that went enjoyed the event but that could have been anywhere , and it really has no connection to the yacht racing that most of us regularly engage in.2 points
Do you want a certified working device, or are you ok self checking and relying on your own judgement? $120 is two bottles of rum, so choose carefully2 points
I'm not that excited about it anymore, but I don't get the fixation on Olympics. I think our youth would be better served by a wide ranging, affordable, inclusive program to get kids out on the water.1 point
Fair enough. I wasn't actually trying to 'fire a shot', but I do see how it may have come across that way. What I was trying to understand was that if I read this thread then I would conclude that YNZ is fundamentally broken, needs a cleanout and a full refresh. Yet 5 minutes on the interweb tells me that NZ has one sailing medals in 10 of the last 11 Olympics, with the gap coming in 2000 - 20 years ago. If I was responsible for that record I would be incredibly proud of it. I understand from the thread that there is a review process underway but surely that process should be with th1 point
1 point
Mr boxonsmah, Methinks you have an axe to grind, did you, or someone close to you perhaps, miss out on selection for something in days gone by.1 point
I am on my 3rd year of Ultra 2. I had an interesting experience in Northland - boat was cleaned by divers in Westhaven. One hour later I took it to Bay of Islands, it sat for 3 days on a mooring in Russell, by which time it was covered in a thick layer of slime. Before coming back to Auckland, (2 weeks ago), we wiped the hull and keel with a sponge, (I now know why I pay divers to do this, but that's another story), it's now been sitting in Westhaven for 2 weeks and is pretty much in the same state that we left BoI in.... There's definitely something in the water up there that1 point
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1 point
This could get interesting, the product you thought you bought and yet the manufacturer changed a critical ingredient without really letting anyone know. hmmmmn. What could possibly go wrong? That has Law Suit City Arizona writ all over it. Pity Crew don't have a legal arm, taking on the shysters and bullshitters is really the last bastion. providing some level of of pushback otherwise the fuckers have won. I only say that witnessing the almost total capitulation of a democracy due to ignorance and apathy in the USA, please lets not allow that sh*t to happen here.1 point
1 point
Loveworkx is a youtuber who has sailed around the world to NZ. I watched another video of hers where she went to a party at Lin Pardey's in Kawau. She has described the Christams Day incident at Oneroa here, to save you watching the long video. https://sailing.loveworkx.com/drama-waiheke-island/1 point
https://www.times.co.nz/news/arrest-warrant-issued-for-attacker-of-boaties/ “Sixty-three-year-old Brett Taylor failed to appear in the Auckland District Court on January 30. “A warrant has been issued for his arrest. Anyone with information on Taylor’s whereabouts, please contact [phone] 105 using the reference number 241226/3594,” say police.1 point
You just described the lead up to every AC for the last 20 years or so. I have faith that money and hubris will win through.1 point
Wow, I will raise a glass to Conrad Coleman tonight to get within 1 mile of j le C at the finish after all that well done.1 point
1 point
What about the person who walked the on ramp at Mt Roskill,3 cars run them over and none stopped https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/541177/man-killed-on-auckland-s-southwestern-motorway-struck-by-three-cars-police0 points