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There is a really interesting map on this page that shows where it has and hasn't been found. It must need updating as none of the new BOI locations are included. https://www.marinepests.nz/interactive-caulerpa-map Interesting that it is not in the popular anchorages put more in the high current areas. Also interesting that the top of Coromandel and bottom of great barrier have it everywhere. Seems like an easy spot for it to spread via currents to all of the gulf.5 points
Looking at the rudder setup I would think that the blades would need to be all the way down to have the correct balance with enough blade forward of the rudders pivot point. Half rudder would make most of the blade being behind the pivot point and a huge load on the helm. Hard to tell from the photos but it looks like the centreboards have some angle aft? Again the centreboard depth makes a big difference as you need the centre of effort/lateral resistance of the boat to be in the right place in relation to the sail plan and not enough centreboard blade makes the rudder work as the latera4 points
We couldn't use the Torbay Buoy this year as it was in the middle of the Oceanbridge Regatta Courses and that 17nm course is a bit long for the general fleet, so we come up with some different options this year. With the light winds forecast we chose a course using the Takapuna Buoy and finishing off the Viaduct. Frank racing actually beat the committee boat to the finish line, getting around the course in 46min and our slowest boat was 3hr 50min, coming in just before the 4hr cut off, so I guess we got it spot on. People seem to be understanding this event is a "festiva4 points
We were too, believe me! Chuffed as heck to have the overall win in leg 1 and 3. RaceTrack shows consistent performance on all 3 legs, so not a lot more we could have done. 1st on line in div 3 for all three too (did I mention we are just a little chuffed?). Not bad for a Dacron pinhead main that was built by Doyle in 2004 for The Bondi Tram!4 points
Fiona Heenan’s 600km solo sail for Guinness record and charity Six hundred kilometres is a long way to sail a tiny boat with scarcely little legroom. Still, 57-year-old yachtswoman Fiona Heenan is giving it a go for a chance at a Guinness world record and to raise funds for her favourite charity Sailability. The Irish-born former cruising yacht instructor has always been a keen adventurer. In the 30 years she has lived in New Zealand, she has tramped extensively and cycled from one end of the country to the other. Her quest to claim the world honour of longest single-handed dist4 points
I'm not that excited about it anymore, but I don't get the fixation on Olympics. I think our youth would be better served by a wide ranging, affordable, inclusive program to get kids out on the water.4 points
4 points
We weren't surprised at all. The Entertainer is a bit of a jet when sailed correctly and those 2 certainly did that this race! We had a pretty good first leg, despite me taking a heavy fall at about 11pm off the Cavallis and ending up getting dragged alongside the boat at 10+kts for a bit while my co skipper slowed the boat down and deployed the ladder. Once drying off, getting changed and putting a spare life jacket on (yes, the auto inflate worked) we got back to business although we were at that point operating what resembled a mobile abattoir (Head wounds do make quite a mess don't th3 points
I think the only way to stop it, which may ultimately prove unsuccessful anyway, is an all out war with $Billions and $Billions from the Government. That may mean essentially closing down the areas affected and near areas affected, so the $Billions are not just on the eradication scheme but also compensation for businesses affected from the loss of marine tourism. But - can you see that happening with the current three headed monster running the ship? They won't even part out the $ for a decent set of Ferries for Cook Strait. And no mods,not trying to turn this political, just stat3 points
if the rudders are too heavy for steering they might need kicking under more to create more balance on the leading edge3 points
Ive just given the video and a statement to the police. They told me he did turn up for court, but late and is back in court today3 points
A bit of googling shows that the EPA have banned the use of Thiram in Altex ablative, effective from the end of 2023. https://www.epa.govt.nz/hazardous-substances/rules-notices-and-how-to-comply/specific-substance-guidance/antifouling-paints/3 points
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Put in public moorings. No anchoring required. I'd pay a fee to tie up for a night or two.2 points
Usually people check their anchors as a matter of course when retrieving, especially yachties. Launches not so much due to the tendency to have more automated systems but I cant recall a time that I had any kind of weed stuck on the anchor that wasnt removed immediately and pulling weed up is not so common, now mud that's another story!2 points
Wow, you did well to finish the race with those injuries - great effort. Hope you heal up quick and make a good recovery.2 points
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The degree of surface degradation, chalking, loss of gloss etc comes down to how much time and effort you're willing to put in in maintenance. It's the same with vehicles and homes. Being in the industry it astounds me how many people will spend a couple of million on a nice beachside home, have it painted professionally, and then do jack sh*t maintenance and wonder why their house looks tired and rundown after 4 or 5 years. Washing your boat/ car / home regularly removes dirt, bird deposits, moss/mould etc all of which contribute to faster degradation of paint. A wash a few times a year will2 points
Weed on keel for over a day this leg, and in last leg nigle banged his head pretty bad, and has been struggling this leg. But all credit to the entertiner sailied a faultless two legs and went the best ways. and start me up only a few boatlenghts behing for leg two. from personal experince when it's light and the tide is against you through the Channel Is area you get left behing very quickly2 points
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I used to drive the Morris minor to school with a Cherokee on a trailer, then disappear at lunchtime.2 points
Fair enough. I wasn't actually trying to 'fire a shot', but I do see how it may have come across that way. What I was trying to understand was that if I read this thread then I would conclude that YNZ is fundamentally broken, needs a cleanout and a full refresh. Yet 5 minutes on the interweb tells me that NZ has one sailing medals in 10 of the last 11 Olympics, with the gap coming in 2000 - 20 years ago. If I was responsible for that record I would be incredibly proud of it. I understand from the thread that there is a review process underway but surely that process should be with th2 points
I have heard that in certain regions where barnacles are a problem that cow drench containing ivermectin has been added to anti foul with great success2 points
I was there on Xmas day and witnessed him collide with some Dutch liveaboards. I managed to get video of it. He only missed me by around a meter. I had to gun it to get out of the way, horn blasting the whole time. I felt bloody sorry for the Dutchies, they were sitting on their boat have a glass of bubbles, next thing this prick went straight into them. He then moved across to Palm Beach from what I understand, and I think his tender washed up on Oneroa after he hit the Dutch couple.2 points
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Loveworkx lady sailing a Grinde I see - same 27 footer that the American girl, Holly, is sailing round world. Initially I thought this might have been Grant / KnotMe roving around the anchorage berating people for still using CQR anchors..... ha ha just jokes Mr CRA 😀 Then I thought it might have been some clipboard wielding Caulerpa govt. agency guy gone bananas.... But, looks like just a random bananas guy gone bananas. Scary though - not sure what I would have done, but I doubt I would have handed my expensive iPhone over to him without a fight, literally....2 points
1 point
I used to think the same, but we are talking first world problems here. If someone wants to join two, three or more yacht clubs then surely they can afford $30 each time. What's a race entry somewhere between 20 and $45 depending on the club and membership so really the yachting New Zealand fee is chicken feed. In fact, if you do the numbers on the cost of keeping an average racing yacht in a marina, the cost of new sails, boat maintenance, etc then the cost per Race very quickly becomes hundreds of dollars per entry if you start rationalising. In the context of this discussion, high1 point
1 point
How come sense applies in Auckland, where we're free to anchor in infected areas and are asked to simply check our anchors and collect/ dispose, or dump the weed where we found it, yet in the BOI they just close down the anchorages. In other words Auckland has an educational ,reasonable, workable response, Bay of Islands a draconian one. If there was just one success in the Bay, if they just cleared and opened one of the closed anchorages after all this money and all this effort, they'd have support. But they can't even do that. Not one of the areas closed what 2? 3 ? years ago has been o1 point
We have a mainsail here off a tennant trimaran, it's slightly higher in the hoist but very similar on the foot. I should be seeing the owner in the next couple of weeks and coud ask if he still wants it. Try sailing with the rudders up 200mm then 400m and see if it gets better or worse. the rudders can be modifyed but you will need a baseline...1 point
Well under budget there AD missed out yard fee. + haul out fee digger and truck $300 ph or more,we are not talking tonka truck or digger. Disposal of concrete could be free if they took to recycle yard in drury,it gets used in roading/constuction https://www.vernondevelopments.co.nz/aggregate-recycling/1 point
I have disposed of two cars that weren't worth repairing, I called the scrappie and the next day a sliding deck truck pulled up and gave me $250 cash on one occasion and $400 on another (a few yrs later) I'm sure that the scrap value nets them a tidy margin. With a boat there is no such situation presumably because other then the rig, engine and keel there is little recoverable scrap value and it will be exceeded many times by the cost of salvage, breakup and a trip to the landfill. Reading various reports of abandoned boats having to be removed from the "environment" the cost estimates ra1 point
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Ability to bend rules is directly proportional to how much clout/money one has. Why would we think NZ was any different? Wishful thinking?1 point
Gelcoat is tough, it's not paint and its a one and done application. Durepox is very tough but its still paint, will not last like gelcoat but will be easier to apply. I brushed on gelcoat for a similar job, very happy with the result.1 point
We ended up beach landing for pickup and on the pontoons returning Beach landing tested my surf IRB skills and found them wanting.1 point
Drop by anytime. And I have nothing but the highest praise for our public health system and everyone who works within it.1 point
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Much the same could be said of Rowing NZ, Cycling NZ and Canoe Sports NZ. They kept winning medals. But should that have absolved these bodies for all for their subsequently exposed misconduct and failings towards the athletes and the sports they are supposed to serve ? And the Sports Integrity Commission inquiry into YNZ commenced before YNZ's own internal inquiry was complete. Can you join the dots Mr lebleaux ? Some very grave complaints have been laid in front of the Sports Integrity Commission. If proven these complaints could have very serious consequences. I had lunch today with1 point
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This could get interesting, the product you thought you bought and yet the manufacturer changed a critical ingredient without really letting anyone know. hmmmmn. What could possibly go wrong? That has Law Suit City Arizona writ all over it. Pity Crew don't have a legal arm, taking on the shysters and bullshitters is really the last bastion. providing some level of of pushback otherwise the fuckers have won. I only say that witnessing the almost total capitulation of a democracy due to ignorance and apathy in the USA, please lets not allow that sh*t to happen here.1 point
Loveworkx is a youtuber who has sailed around the world to NZ. I watched another video of hers where she went to a party at Lin Pardey's in Kawau. She has described the Christams Day incident at Oneroa here, to save you watching the long video. https://sailing.loveworkx.com/drama-waiheke-island/1 point
https://www.times.co.nz/news/arrest-warrant-issued-for-attacker-of-boaties/ “Sixty-three-year-old Brett Taylor failed to appear in the Auckland District Court on January 30. “A warrant has been issued for his arrest. Anyone with information on Taylor’s whereabouts, please contact [phone] 105 using the reference number 241226/3594,” say police.1 point
They are painting themselves into an ideological corner, fouling is a natural process. It's what happens in the marine environment and is the basis of the ecosystem, us boaties provide free new blank canvasses for this process to occur- so what is the problem? I understand that moving one ecosystem to another and introducing new organisms is problematic but otherwise so what? Are they going to demand piers, jetties, navigation buoys etc be anti fouled- of course not! (Hang on we are dealing with ideologues so who knows knows!) Combine the removal of public cleaning facilities, the shrink1 point
Boat disposal en masse is never going to happen without outside assistance, I repeat my assertion; people who cant pay wont pay1 point
I have attached some before and after photos of my window replacement incase anyone is interested. Once again I appreciate all the great advice I got from this forum which was a big part of the job going well. Really pleased with the result, it was a very rewarding experience 👍1 point