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  1. I've done the "just go sailing" vs the "refit" recently-ish.... We bought CT in what could be described as bloody tired but not yet dead condition. It was the biggest boat we could afford at the time (family of 5) that was structurally sound and had a good few of the expensive parts replaced. She was bloody ugly thou... but we had a boat that we could take the kids away on and make family memories. Our first trip away was 11 days over Christmas/New Year up to the BOI's and included an overnight at the Hen & Chick's where the snorkeling/ diving was epic. It may not sound like much of a
    11 points
  2. I really don't mind contributing my little bit towards that.
    9 points
  3. Yeah... this is actually quite awesome of the NZ system. When my son passed in a dirt bike accident, ACC provided a one off payment and 80% of his salary until my grand daughter, who was unborn at the time, turns 18. It was a substantial relief to discover that this even existed. She's able to get on with just raising her new born, without the stress of also being the only income earner.
    9 points
  4. Better to let the guilty go free than lock up an innocent man something something...... Anyway the short story is don't cut the corner where steep underwater geography, strong currents and a ground swell are in play
    7 points
  5. 1971 One Ton Cup in Hauraki Gulf Syd Fischer, Alan Warwick...Stormy Petrel, Young Nick etc
    6 points
  6. Seriously! I see a few of these something is wrong out there in interweb land
    5 points
  7. I never knew until you posted that. And it is something I have given substantial thought to, pay moonbeams for life insurance, having two kids and an Auckland sized mortgage. In all my time investigating life insurance policies and benefits I never found out the cover from ACC for accidental death. And it is something I feel genuinely very warming to know exists. Partner knows a lady (acquaintance) who's husband committed suicide, they either had two under 5's or an under 5 and she was pregnant - absolutely guttingly heartbreaking situation. The exact situation this ACC policy is for
    5 points
  8. Hopefully that sends a message to the muppets out there driving boats like they would their cars. Proper look out or pay big bucks. Crying shame the ferry skipper's a paraplegic requiring care 24/7 and ending a nice little retirement gig plus the ferry boat went to the bottom. When you consider the costs of just those two factors seems like Onopotos skipper got of pretty light.
    5 points
  9. No warning label? IT MUST BE SAFE 🤣
    4 points
  10. This is a deeply concerning story and relates directly the the MNZ prosecution of Lance Goodhew. It is way too long to do justice by copying the relevant paragraphs (just about the whole thing is relevant). I do recommend you read it. I feel it justifies my position on MNZ 'persecuting' Lance Goodhew in this situation, specifically in that the charges are not warranted based on the evidence, and that the charges were predetermined and political in nature, in that people died so the regulator must hang someone. Anyone. In this example, Worksafe assigned their leading helicopter indust
    4 points
  11. Close the southbound lanes on the bridge and call it a grandstand.
    4 points
  12. Yet I suspect a $132,000 fine might make some people think about putting it in neutral before scrolling through the MFD to find a fault alarm. At the end of the day, it was that one indecision to not throttle back that led to the ferry skipper being paralyised. Note I understood he was flicking through screens on the MFD rather than his phone, but the analogy of drivers on their phone is exactly the same.
    4 points
  13. If we were all rational followers of logic we would all be in share boat partnerships or would hire what we needed when we need it. Or both. This makes the capital issue null and void, and frees us of most if not all the maintenance drudge. But yachts are, for many, primarily dreams. While you are building fixing painting maintaining etc, you can express and extend the dream. Sailing is reality. It often doesn't match the dream, so all that working time delays the disappointment!
    4 points
  14. I can see MNZ rewriting the rule book.No mention of compensation to families for lose of lives. Yes I believed Lance to be in the wrong and still do,looking at where he was and conditions,shallows wasnt the place to be.
    3 points
  15. Not guilty https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/522769/enchanter-trial-skipper-lance-goodhew-found-not-guilty-of-breaching-duties
    3 points
  16. Talk us through your day Nigel. I jumped on Serena to fill in for one of the owners who couldn't make it. Bloody cool boat and we managed to win the long haul division. Big park up under Rangitoto that took a few hours to negotiate but overall a really nice day on the water. Thanks to Brendan on Kick (Kick ass) for taking my 14 year old as crew for this series.
    3 points
  17. Agree to disagree on this one. These things are truly F1 on water, accelerate hard, turn even harder, I think there's plenty of water out in front of the tank farm (or what used to be the tank farm) Yep wind will be flukey in there, but so what? As long as there's enough wind to foil it'll be spectacular! As for viewing, I own a cat, great viewing platform, and live on the Shore, so easy to get to a vantage point. But I'll still buy tickets, and go thru the gate, coz it's a great event, the big screens make a big difference (see what I did there! ) and I've thoroughly enjoyed the 2 e
    3 points
  18. I use AI generated images but certainly not for boats. Example - Prompt: sailing yacht with brightly coloured spinnaker Result:
    2 points
  19. I can't understand how you're drawing the conclusion that rogue waves don't break as the water gets shallower or the boat wasn't where the evidence showed it was, or for that matter how you've concluded that the wave wasn't breaking at the time of impact, when clearly the case file suggests otherwise? The judge concluded that it was unreasonable to expect the skipper to predict a rogue wave. That's substantially different from your assertions. Therefore the presumption from MNZ that he should not have been in such shallow water because he wasn't prepared/ready for a Rogue wave bec
    2 points
  20. The case notes strongly suggests otherwise... The evidence from several survivors was that a 10m high wave came in, was clearly visible in the distance, it built even higher, crested and broke, rolling and smashing the boat to pieces. I am pretty sure that Rogue waves, crest and break, just like any other wave, when the distance to the sea bed becomes less than the height of the wave.
    2 points
  21. That’s what happens when you buy a French boat
    2 points
  22. Racing yesterday off Browns island and we got in amongst a school of Orca. One hefty young buck peeled off and decided to have a bit of fun with us. We were doing 12 knots and this guy was hardly moving, he came right up under the stern and started playing with the leeward rudder, little taps to start with then a hefty whack which just about took the tiller out of my hand. The rest of the family turned up and called him off so the whole episode lasted less than a minute but a bit scary for sure. I've had a few dolphins do this before but this was a bit next level, he was a big animal. I s
    2 points
  23. Why you don't want to stay aboard in a cyclone...
    2 points
  24. My point was in response to IT that it wasn't fraud in the true legal sense of the meaning because it was withdrawn before it got to court. The original report is just an internal document it isn't evidence. It's fundamentally an opinion piece until a higher up puts a stamp of approval on it allowing it to be released. I am not trying to suggest that I condone the actions of Worksafe. I find this whole matter very unsettling. That said it is a very one onsided article. And of note Peterson refused to talk to Stuff. Perhaps Worksafe had some other experts that came to a differen
    2 points
  25. If that is fact, they should be prosecuted - that is fraud!
    2 points
  26. What a wild five years I've had 😃 but it's time to turn my focus to something new. Boat's been listed on Facebook-land for a few weeks but I've had a few recent messages saying they hadn't seen it, so expanding the reach of my listing to make sure I'm capturing the NZ market without paying exorbitant TM fees. I'd love to see the old girl stay in New Zealand waters but it is not looking good. If you're keen to keep the multihull spirit strong in our fair country, please reach out! https://www.facebook.com/groups/196548290924954/posts/1550698342176602/
    2 points
  27. Had a conservative start but were looking good until the mass park up event. At one stage we were drifting backwards towards rangi light... Phil on Feedom sailed up close enough to give us some banter before they too ended up parked 😅 Then it was a couple of hours of Snakes and Ladders, instead of holding one type of sail and chasing breeze all over the place we opted to aim straight at Haystack and just keep changing sails as the breeze did it's thing. It paid off with us smoking into the mark with masthead Genny up in front of our fleet before having to douse the kite, aim tow
    2 points
  28. This one is a shocker
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. I heard some twat on the Radio yesterday morning (RNZ) being interviewed, saying that licensing boat owners for competency on the water is an absolute must. He completely missed the point that this idiot in Pahia was looking down scrolling his phone going at twenty f**king knots, trying to figure out how to fix something. Just like driving, if you are looking at your phone then you are not fully paying attention, and going at twenty knots with your head down engrossed in your bloody phone is a recipe for disaster. But hey, if the idiot was licensed then that would have solved everything.
    2 points
  31. Hi Grant, Lots of discussion on this subject here: https://www.cruisersforum.com/forums/f134/nz-charts-s-63-a-263226.html Personally I'm keeping my life simple by sticking with the RNC raster charts that are still available in the OpenCPN Chart Downloader. Fine for my recreational coastal cruising 😀 Cheers, Geoff
    2 points
  32. $131k reparations. https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350329490/boat-skipper-ordered-pay-131k-after-crashing-russells-blue-ferry
    2 points
  33. The process seems like it my be easier for cruiser than the old as a lot of the difference was racing requirements that YNZ included, plus you don’t now need to be a member of a yacht club I think single handed will still be a possibility, the idea is you get sign off for your intended voyage on paper then get your boat signed off as being suitable There are going to be issues to work through however if they are willing to adapt the system as these arise it could be better than the current system where it’s often up to the inspectors discretion Watch this space and if you can
    2 points
  34. Building any vessel.The hull is the cheapest part,then comes the fit out and home builds stop at that point.
    2 points
  35. I was told many years ago... If you want to build a boat then build a boat, If you want to go sailing then buy a boat and go sailing, do not waste all that sailing time building a boat.... and I guess that advice also applies to buying a doer upper, avoid unless it is safe sound and can be enjoyed while you renovate. I have had a few boats and have many years in the marine industry... so when the boat I wanted came along, I bought it... in the first year I tackled maintenance items that needed doing, but went cruising in between. That still happens now, but there has been a shift from mos
    2 points
  36. Following on from OkeBay, even if we have we still have 'local' shops they could all end up being 'big box' stores - like almost all shops in the malls. Most overseas owned. Profits go overseas. So Kiwis become (even mores than even now) just wage slaves. We become a nation of worker bees. Look at tourist (as an example) hot spots around the world. Locals can't afford to live in their own towns. Barcelona etc. Queenstown anyone? A recipe for disaster economically. And social upheaval. Wildly different topics I know. But I do worry about our country.
    2 points
  37. Limited, it's pretty technical and subject to case law. Not an area of the ACC operations manual I have had to familiarise myself with fortunately.
    1 point
  38. If you need an anchor, AI has you covered
    1 point
  39. More often than you might think. That's the justice system at work. The evidence falls where it falls, the judge or jury assess on what they hear and see in the courtroom. This was a trial requiring " beyond reasonable doubt". That's a very high bar for a prosecution to hurdle, and rightly so. The judge had doubts, so the outcome was a foregone conclusion.
    1 point
  40. Goodness that was a powerful cunningham😆
    1 point
  41. And the seawater temps seem to be breeding stronger, faster forming, more intense ones, especially in that neck of the woods. Was in the Caribbean post Hugo, on St Croix you didn't have birds chirping a month later. Got caught in Nantucket when Bob blew through, good prep removal of sails, lines doubled, every anchor out and allowing for the change in direction after the eye passed over. I did not stay on the boat, there was 70' sailboats heeling 25 degrees at the docks, and the harbour looked like a bowling alley the following morning, we were lucky. Was in Ft Lauderda
    1 point
  42. Rigging was OK, the mast broke.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Might have something to do with the Whysellingtom mayor and council..
    1 point
  45. Auto correct! I wonder why Wellington has never entered the conversation.
    1 point
  46. I think the council seat on the Cyril Bassett memorial at Stanley point will be prime viewing for this old fella.
    1 point
  47. True. The best compromise in my experience is modern design not using 'breathing' fabrics. /Martin
    1 point
  48. Foul weather gear is much nicer now /Martin
    1 point
  49. Firebird and Parts4engines are onsellers If you want it- go to the manufacturer. HDI https://hdimarine.net/product/gm-stainless-steel-mixing-elbow/ I ordered direct online with HDI and got the elbow in about 3-4 days from what I understand firebird rep them in NZ and add another cog to the whole process that may or may not be as fast. Word is the guy that heads up HDI was outraged at the price OEM wanted for his onboard exhaust elbow and he was in the Stainless casting business so he made his own and pretty soon had himself a nice line of business. He does all s
    1 point
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