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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/09/24 in Posts

  1. With NZ's current financial issues, it must work out cheaper to send our Navy vessels to Samoa for a complete Reefhit 🤔
    6 points
  2. "mate, you can be a rooster one day and a feather duster the next" J Spithill
    5 points
  3. Yesterday when back at my mooring before I lowered my main sail: No harm done as far as I could see. /Martin
    4 points
  4. I all, hope this is ok to add. PCC and KBC are having a fun family friendly event over Labour Weekend. This event is not designed to compete with The Coastal Classic, but is for those who would like to do something over the long weekend who will not be racing up to the Duke. Or, if you are coming back down the coast pop on in. Please see attached. Cheers Tom KBC Club Secretary LABOUR WEEKEND SPRING SPLASH.pdf
    4 points
  5. Little bit more background YNZ where looking to cut cost/waste where possible SSANZ needs a national handicapping system to run national events, RNI, RNZ and Northern Triangle For the system to be robust it needs numbers, most clubs are just as happy with their own club handicapping, this can be vastly different from club to club which makes these numbers irrelevant when you get boats coming together from all points of the compass. SSANZ needs PHRF to run national events so therefore they’ve decided to make it their major prize criteria for the triple as this is the fair
    4 points
  6. In other news, Dunedin Hospital is definitely cancelled.
    3 points
  7. If you are near Rotorua, the Kilwell factory has a huge range of carbon tubes with small defects and priced very well too. Their range changes regularly so its worth a visit, often
    3 points
  8. Pygmy blue whale stranded under Kawau Island wharf A juvenile pygmy blue whale was found trapped under a wharf on Kawau Island. The whale, approximately 14-15 meters in length, was first reported stranded on Monday morning. It was freed by 6pm after the Schoolhouse Bay Wharf was removed. https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350418090/pygmy-blue-whale-stranded-under-kawau-island-wharf
    3 points
  9. You have to log in to YNZ site to access the cat3 registration . I wasted 30 mins going round in circles until I realised that important step. Otherwise it was straightforward if a tad more expensive than in the past .
    3 points
  10. We (NZ Multihull Yacht Club) were lucky enough to get a tour of their factory recently. They are the real deal and are building a very clever but simple boat. They are doing it the Kiwi way and are increadly knowledgable on what they are doing. They ended the night by letting us raid the Carbon scraps bin - best "Party Favour" ever for a bunch of DIYer multihullers!
    3 points
  11. To be fair you need to combine both NW 1 and NW 2 divisions in 2024 to compare with NW1 entries in 2023 if you do that results aren’t that different in terms of numbers. The reasons for PHRF have already been mentioned in other posts. PHRF like any other system isn’t perfect but it’s the best we have and the more races that use it the better it will be. Interestingly if Sculpin’s PHRF hadn’t changed before the last race they would have finished 14th in the race and 3rd overall in the series. I suspect as Sculpin was at one extreme of the PHRF range in the division they
    3 points
  12. They are making the same mistake with AC as they are with T20. Old AC in the relatively slow monohulls was like watching test cricket, and the frantic tacking and sail changes as you round the mark were the burst of energy like someone hitting a six and taking a wicket in a Cricket Test used to be. It grew on you, and judging by the amount of non boat people right up to the early 2000's that would watch it, was very popular. However, much like T20 cricket, AC is now just extreme commercialised fast food crap that I wouldn't give a rats backside if I never saw it again, ever.
    3 points
  13. She may get the opportunity.
    2 points
  14. Judith Collins is being interviewed about this; [Interviewer:] This ship that was involved in the incident off Samoa this week… [Judith Collins:] Yeah, the one that crashed into the reef? [Interviewer:] Yeah [Judith Collins:] That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point. [Interviewer:] Well, how is it untypical? [Judith Collins:] Well, there are a lot of these survey ships going around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen … I just don’t want people thinking that survey vessels aren’t safe. [Interviewer:] Was this surv
    2 points
  15. Always turn the clothes dryer off when you abandon ship...
    2 points
  16. Grounding? The bloody thing is on its side and on fire with no way of putting it out. is "grounding" the new phrase for "that'll buff out" not going to look good on their cv's
    2 points
  17. Throwing his toys out of the cot.
    2 points
  18. Hmm last night was unexpected to me. I thought Prada would do it - they had given 2 races to Ben due to failures. However, last night, Ben was faster...lightly the brits will win now I think. Great racing, and close!
    2 points
  19. A somewhat windy Sydney Hobart.....
    2 points
  20. I'm enjoying watching this round with close boats. It is pretty much about winning the start though, not much in the way of passing lanes.
    2 points
  21. On a marina at the entrance to Bundaberg river. I'll try and get closer later. But first I have to check out rumours of a gelato shop in a nearby town . Priorities.
    2 points
  22. A little more home-grown classic sailing....
    2 points
  23. The club is doing a series of evenings highlighting some of NZ yachtings history
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. Is a Vessel stamp something official? Also, Jon, I did enjoy the change between your first sentence and your last.
    2 points
  26. I've always managed with an appointment letter from the vessel, Stamped with the vessels stamp and signed by the owner/skipper, saying you are appointed as crew on SV XYZ, registration details, from date XXXXXX as skipper/mate/deckhand whatever. Vessel is currently in Fiji waters and expects to depart approximately XXXXXX. Never been an issue... Commercial Mariners do this all the time.
    2 points
  27. Would like see Sir Ben take it out and then give Team Dalts a thumping
    2 points
  28. will Panuku compensate occupants?
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. Now that you have joined the CCC (Cat Condo Club), albeit fleetingly, you need to start a YouBoobs channel, with appropriately dressed attractive crew.
    2 points
  31. I went for a spin down to izzy bay on it. Super cool boat. Impressive tech and great to see it being designed and built here.
    2 points
  32. I think the rationale for the switch was very sound. Mark Mulcare won't be running Racetrack forever and SSANZ absolutely did not want to be burdened with being handicappers. That's a short slippery slope to becoming very unpopular. So what's left?
    2 points
  33. Or the battery you are using is in very poor health.
    2 points
  34. The environment will be fine, the front is still on.
    1 point
  35. I am envious of this guy....
    1 point
  36. Interesting bit of spin the Squadron took part in for Emirates Team Dalton over the last month -taking an Americas cup around the country on a road trip to try and convince the locals that this was a national sporting side not just a private company set up for pecuniary reasons primarily. Still friends on the trip had a whale of a time ....
    1 point
  37. forgot to reply yesterday. went through at 1550 yesterday and had 3.5mts at shallowest.
    1 point
  38. It's 420 odd nautical miles from North Cape to Nelson. 3 days for most boats, or 2 to NP, and one to Nelson. 24hr days... Opua to Nelson Id go W coast.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I did this as an experiment and used plasticine and packaging tape to shape/hold/seal the joins. First version the joins didn't let go. Lots of release wax and it fell apart beautifully.
    1 point
  41. Fyi in the video above the heating is the key. the alloy tube expands with the heat, as it cools it srinks back again more than the carbon. doesn't work on a pvc mandrel
    1 point
  42. So on that basis Hobsonville and Bayswater access also restricted, not just Westhaven.
    1 point
  43. Wonder how they'll make that work if its a northerly?
    1 point
  44. You just need an ongoing ticket out of Fiji. It can be to anywhere. So buy your ticket from Asia to Fiji, and buy another fully refundable ticket from Fiji to NZ. Doesn't even have to be the same airline. If you want to do the legit process your skipper will need to apply to the Fiji Department of Immigration, paying the necessary fees and completing the necessary paperwork to get you a letter of approval, they'll need to be already in Fiji and then they'll need to post you that letter. This letter will need to be presented to the airline when you board, they won't let you board witho
    1 point
  45. Thanks for sharing, I imagine it's still close to home for more than a few people in the boating world.
    1 point
  46. Where are all the spectator boats? A few dozen at most, not like the hundreds we had in Auckland. I notice that the race committee are adjusting the course length and axis nearly every leg using the autonomous buoys. I think if it comes back to Auckland, they would have difficulty changing the axis due to the number of spectator boats. The courses in Auckland were criticized for having too narrow boundaries, giving the trailing boat no opportunity to get separation for a possible gain. Looks like they haven't learnt from that, and kept the narrow course, despite having a large sea a
    1 point
  47. But isn't that life? Lots of sporting contests that are built up to high expectations turn out duds. But, that makes the humdingers even better, especially when they are unexpected, when there is a great comeback etc. I am getting a bit philosophical now, but I find this a real concern in modern life is that unless every event, sporting or otherwise is some surreal exciting experience, then it is labelled a dud. And that is what I was getting at in my earlier T20 v Test Cricket analogy. T20 tries so so so hard to be an awesome super duper crackerjack experience - but now that the novelty
    1 point
  48. I don't think God intended teak trees to be steam bent but I have sinned and succeeded😀
    1 point
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